Chapter 26

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*Katerina's POV*

As we left the baker's building, I realized we hadn't even tried asking the man for any information. It was a bit of a wasted opportunity, but at least we had flour. I suspected that neither Brandon nor I wanted to go back inside.

"Shall we try talking to more sellers or see if someone needs a letter written for whenever the mail rider comes through?" I asked him, trying to break the silence.

"We can try."

"While you do that, I'll see if that woman sweeping off her porch is open for a bit of gossip."

He nodded, and I idly wandered down the street as if bored and waiting for him.

A woman with bolts of cloth arranged on a table commented, "How was the road so far?"

"Not bad. Haven't encountered any bandits so far. I believe we're less than a day's travel from the city now?"

"It's a bit of a walk. If you leave soon, you'll get there just before sunset."

I nodded absently and glanced at Brandon as if checking where he was, then said, "We saw a bunch of mages ride past us a few days ago. Did they pass through here too?"

"You came from the south? Oh! Someone said a dragon attacked some mages in a mine and left a huge hole in the ground. Did you see the dragons?"

Just like every other conversation attempt, people immediately changed the topic to the dragons and what happened at the mine. I was becoming quite certain the mages weren't present, but they might have bribed the villages into silence, or if they were here, they might be paying them for any gossip or information.

"I saw a few dragons flying overhead," I dutifully replied, "and there was a big hole near one of the mine entrances when we passed through."

She nodded as if I confirmed what she had heard. "I'm glad none of them got hurt. Well, the mages didn't survive, but that's what happens when you anger dragons. It's a miracle they didn't burn the entire village down."

"That would have been bad," I agreed. "That might be why the other mages were fleeing."

"Could be."

I frowned, as if concerned, "I wonder where the mages stopped. I wouldn't want to be in the same place in case those dragons return."

"I wouldn't either. Did you see how big those dragons were? They were huge!"

No one else was nearby, so I tried to subtly bring back the mage topic. "No kidding. They could have swallowed someone whole. If they're after the mages, it makes me worry that they'll check the city next. Did the mages keep going north?"

"They did... I hope the dragons don't attack the city. I have an aunt and some cousins there."

"I really hope they aren't in the city," I murmured, rubbing goosebumps that had appeared along my arms. There was no way I could search through an entire city without someone noticing my magic.

It was why I barely set foot in cities or villages large enough to support a healer. A healer's power often monitored those around them; most genuinely wanted to help people and were just trying to catch serious underlying health problems, but they'd be able to sense my magic if they got too close.

"Dragons don't usually attack an entire city," the woman tried to reassure me. "And the king here often entertains riders in his castle, so he's on good terms with them."

"Thanks." In an attempt to wrap the conversation up now that I knew the mages weren't around, I said, "This fabric is very nicely woven. I don't have any coins on me now, but do you go to the city occasionally?"

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