Chapter 31

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*Rakota's POV*

I frowned at the rough map Victorya had scratched into the dirt while we waited for the humans to return. "Which village should we check next?"

Diondin commented, "There was no trace of the mages or their passage at the last three villages, just those hidden mage stones, but those wouldn't be there if the mages had come this way. I think we should check one on the other side of the main road."

"I was just about to suggest that," Victorya said. "Since there's no hint of them over here, let's try an entirely different area."

"They can't be far," I growled. "We'll find them soon enough."

"Considering how many mage stones are around, we'll have to be careful when we attack," Victorya said, her gaze focused on me. "There are a lot of stones they haven't picked up, so we can only assume they'll have recovered many more."

I grumbled but knew her words were true.

"It'll take the humans some time to get back here," Diondin commented. "There's lots of traffic."

"We could be waiting a while then," I muttered, remembering how long it had taken the humans to reach the village. It would take them just as long to get back. "Is this a common thing with riders?"

"Not usually. If they want to wander around without people realizing they're riders, we normally have our own plans or visit with others. If there's no need for secrecy, then we can fly in at any point."


As if sensing my reluctance to talk about the subject with her around, Serepha shook out her wings. "If we have that much time, I think I'll go hunting."

Victorya also got up. "I'll come with you. We can also check the villages from a distance in case we see anything interesting."

Both dragonesses took flight and were soon out of sight. Qwest had started to get up, but lied back down, so I suspected Victorya had asked him to remain so the dragonesses could talk without company.

"You're thinking of taking Katerina as a rider?" Diondin asked, his eyes focusing in and out as he kept checking on his rider.

I exhaled slowly. "The more I think about it, the more I think she's the best choice. Most of the humans who've paid for rides were so annoying I wanted to drop them halfway through the flight, and I'm constantly forgetting she's even on my back."

"Most of the ones who pay for flights have a superior attitude I don't care for either," Diondin replied. "It's why I searched the countryside for a youth who didn't care about power or prestige."

"Any regrets? Anything you wished you had done before?"

"It's been eight years, and I'm still convinced I picked well. I'm also glad I spent a year searching for a rider I'd get along with." He hesitated, then quietly added, "I just wish Valrancy would have told me when she decided to join the Sea Guard instead of having a family."

I winced. "Sorry."

Diondin shrugged. "The rider bond actually helped me get through it. And Brandon is still young, so I have years to see who's interested in a relationship. But for what it's worth, Katerina seems to be another one of those quiet, good-hearted humans. You'll probably end up handing over a few coppers or healing spells since that sort is compassionate. How long have you been around her?"

"Four days so far."

"That's a good start. What did you think of her under your wing last night?"

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It reminded me of letting my cousin's hatchling curl up against me. As long as she has food, shelter, and wood for a fire, she seems content."

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