Wishing You Eternal Happiness

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The brilliant and young high minister, noble and benevolent in character, was once renowned in the capital.

Once the situation at court changed, his identity was questioned, and his name had since been tainted. As such, he left for a faraway place.

The pure and innocent pearl of the Zhen family, favored and loved by all, once led a smooth and tranquil life.

Overnight, the great mansion completely collapsed. She married a bad husband, and her soul succumbed to eternal rest. One day, she awoke from a great dream.

Confronting the junction of fate, she was determined to change the course of events.

Their reencounter transformed the trajectory of their lives.

With his life-saving grace and meticulous care, Pei You’an brought hope to the helpless her.

Staying by his side in happiness and in sorrow, in life and in death, Zhen Jiafu reawakened feelings of concern in the apathetic him.

A letter replete with ardent love: traveling a thousand miles to be with the gentleman.

Despite the chill of the snowy night, with warmth sustained by love, the two hearts were the most intimate they had ever been.

Although the world has its ups and downs, with you keeping me company, this life is enough.

I'm a bit slow reading this novel but overall it's good. Maybe because there's a lot of description or narrate that making me bored but the characters and background story are good. Each of them have their own reason and the story flow make sense.  MC and ML are not OP, MC doesn't become perfect girl after her rebirth.
MC mother is surname Meng, her father is Zhen. MC family was a wealthy merchant in Quanzhou. MC father died when MC was young. MC brother love his family but he never learn took care the family business. MC aunt aka mother's sister married to Pei house 2nd branch. Pei house is an official or general house. At first MC aunt want MC as her son's concubine but MC mother ignore it. Then Pei first branch asked for MC marriage for the 2nd son. The 2nd son already married and have a son but his wife died. The ex in law only have a daughter, since the daughter died, so they keep spoiling the grandson from Pei. MC married in as a 2nd wife and stepmother. The stepson was spoiled rotten. Then she met a prince who took fancy of her and robed her from her husband. The Pei 2nd son is timid, he gave MC to the prince willingly. MC then met Pei 1st son aka ML, she asked for his help. ML helped her and send her back to her husband. Over time when ML is away, MC husband send her again to the prince. The prince become emperor, MC company him without a status. She is not a concubine or queen or maid. Later she was buried alive by the queen accompanying the emperor.
MC rebirth before her wedding, she already engaged to her husband. Then MC tried to make the Pei ex in law hate her so the engagement is broken. But MC still met the prince. The royal family is a bit complicated. So there's a Wei emperor, have 3 sons Tianxi, Shu an and Xiao Lei. The next emperor is Tianxi who married a daughter from Pei aka ML aunt. Then they have a son Xiao Yu. Tianxi emperor and Pei queen died when Xiao Yu still young, Shu An become the regent. Later Xiao Yu died in horse accident and Shu An become emperor. Xiao Lei rebel and won, his son is Xiao Yanting, the prince who coveted MC. Later it was found out that ML is actually not his father son so his mother hate him and never get close to him. ML is actually Xiao Lei and empress Pei son. Xiao Lei and empress Pei are actually childhood sweetheart but later before they can get engage, the Wei emperor married her to Tianxi. Later Pei empress got sick due to plague, Xiao Lei sneaked and brought medicine until she get well then they do the deed and got ML. Empress Pei died after giving birth to ML. ML then was taken by his uncle or the said father. Pei father asked his wife to take in ML and promise her that he won't take any concubine. Pei mother thought ML is sickly and won't live long so she agreed. But the her husband died and her actual first son died while ML is fine so she become resent him. soon after Pei father died, ML was accused having affair with his father concubine so he was sent to border and stripped of his title. The title went to Pei 2nd son aka MC first husband.
In this life, MC cling to ML and tried to marry him in order to avoid the prince. ML keep refusing her and promise he will take care of her without marrying her. Then MC was forced a few times by the prince wife and mother aka current queen. ML then realize that MC is true so he married her. He also began to have feeling with MC.
After they got married, ML is busy in a temple and only touch MC on first night. MC suspect that ML actually love a woman from a fallen noble and become a nun. Then ML explain that the nun brother got sick so he took care of him. ML thought MC didn't want him to touch her so he never touch her again while MC thought that ML got disgusted with herself because she repeatedly tricked him to marry her in order avoiding the prince. The make up and have good relationship. MC learn about ML origin from his dying grandma. The current emperor, Xiao Lei also knew. Then the crown prince and his wife tried to harm MC that lead to him got banished. ML know his origin because the emperor want to take him as royal family but ML refused. The emperor want to kill Xiao Yu but ML protect him. ML was sent to border, he prepared everything to protect MC family. MC then knew that he is prepared to die in border. She then beg the emperor to take care ML in border. ML and MC make up in border, they got a son. The emperor want to take the son as the next emperor. ML refused but the emperor take ML son and MC when ML is away. The ex crown prince forced emperor to send MC to him and make him the emperor or he will tell ML past to everyone.
MC then surrender herself to stale time for ML. Then ML rescue her and take her back to capital. Their son agree to become emperor. It was said that he is a son of royal family who actually never got a descendant. ML and MC got title Jin Wang. They never got another child because they are afraid that the son felt abandoned. Until he was 16 yo and become emperor, MC then got a daughter. MC and ML guard the border for 3 years before coming back to capital.
The extra is about MC son who find his queen. And another life where ML from 1st timeline got rebirth and know the current life where he and MC got happy ending. He then wished everyone to get happy ending and offered his soul. He told Xiao Lei that the empress Pei is about to be married so Xiao Lei run back to capital and propose. They got a pair of children. While ML live as orphan in a temple, he then met MC family who recruit him as son in law. They then got married again and have happy ending.

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