Chapter 6

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Prussia's POV

"Mein gott, Birdie you make AMAZING pancakes!" Ve had just finished eating und I vas stuffed.

"Y-you really think so?" Birdie vas smiling sheepishly, with pink tinting his cheeks.

"Ja. Your pancakes are awesome!"

The pink on Birdie's face turned to red as he left the room, smiling. He turned back.

"Don't forget to get ready for the meeting. We have 45 minutes!" He then ran to the living room.

Well scheiße... I don't wanna go.

I sulked around until Birdie started "yelling" at me.

Aww his yells are so cute! I wish I could just squeeze him!

I jumped up und started to get ready as fast as I could. I finally got ready, and we shot out the door, and jumped into the car.

"Goodness, Gil, why'd you sulk around?" Birdie looked at me with he cutest but stern face.

"I dunno. I just didn't vant to get ready. I don't like ze meetings."

Birdie sighed, keeping his eyes on the road.


"Do you like ze meetings?" I asked in a mischevious tone.

He knodded.

"Vhy do you like ze meetings? Nothing ever happens. Is it someone comes to the meetings?"

Birdie's face started to become red as I question him. And I kept asking who it was. Then I started to notice his face turn red from anger.

I've never seen Birdie angry before... this cannot be good...

"H-hey, Birdie? Are you ok-"

*in he cutest and quietest yelling you can imagine...* "GIL JUST SHUT UP! WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING ME THIS STUFF?! NO, DON'T ANSWER THAT! JUST SHUT UP!!!" Birdie just kept his eyes on the road as he drove.

He just yelled at me...?

"Sorry. I vas just vondering... I'll be quiet now..." I turned away from Birdie and looked out the window.

Is Birdie okay?

(╥ω╥') (╥ω╥') (╥ω╥') (╥ω╥')

Ok i is sorry for the crappy chappy. I got home really late from my concert i performed infront of A LOT of people. So im tired...really tired. I hope you like. I'll attempt a better chapter tonight or this weekend.

He Calls Me Birdie ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now