𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 ⎯⎯⎯⎯ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ

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Ever since the night Ada snuck out Ramsay had kept her castle bound, regardless of her constant assuring she was just out to get air, then somehow stumbled upon Theon. The Bolton boy didn't care what she pleaded. Deep down he believed she was trying to escape and with that treacherous halfwit.

Ramsay waved her off, locking her in her chamber. She wasn't sure how long she was locked up, the days all seemed to huddle into one. The only time she was bothered was when one of the maids would bring her water, bread, cheese and different fruits on a platter. And even then the maid would soon disappear without sparing the girl a single glance.

Ada shifted her weight on the hard mattress beneath her and huffed. She had been staring at the caged up window opposite her for hours, unable to sleep. Ghostly groans echoed throughout the halls, each one making a chill run down her spine.

She thought about her family, wondering what they were doing right now and
when or if she'd ever see them again.

The birds were chirping outside her window, signalling the early morning has risen. Abruptly a knock was heard at her door and she could tell who it was by the specific taunting of the rhythmatic thump.

Ada removed herself from her bed, at once moving in front of the window, not even bothering to turn around to face him. "My Lady." He spoke. "I'm sorry for leaving you for so long." He seemed disgustingly pleased with himself, and amused by the lack of reaction.

"I'm sure you are." She hummed, listening as his heavy foot steps approached closer.

"I assume you know what day it is?" Ramsay pumped, slipping his hands around Ada's waist, greedily tracing circular motions on her hips, which were covered by the thinnest of gowns.

"Please, enlighten me." Ada motioned, not quite sure what day it was supposed to be.

"We are to be wed today, sweet Ada." Ramsay whispered, his head dipping down to her exposed neck, his nose grazing her sensitive skin. 

"Today?" Ada asked frantically.

Ramsay could only smile in victory as he felt Ada's body go stiff in his arms. Her body fully pressing against his front. "What better day than today?" Ramsay chuckled.

Ada couldn't even form the words to snap back, her mouth insanely dry, heartbeat skyrocketing by the second, all while her eyes shut tightly, praying she'd wake up from this nightmare.

"To be continued, my lady." He bid her goodbye, squeezing her hips tightly before leaving the room. Ada's heart still thumped in her chest as she fought back tears.


Ada was left with plenty of time to ponder and endure in her own self pity. She'd be married to a monster before the moon would bless the sky and that pained her more than anything.

She felt like a traitor to her family, but mainly to herself. She never wanted this, any of it. But there was no time for dwelling, she had to be strong and not just for herself but for Rickon. She knew she'd have buy him as much time as possible since Ramsay was unpredictable and more on edge as of late.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock and for a split second she considered it being Ramsay, but the knocks were unusually soft, almost as if they were afraid for anyone else to hear.

Ada unlatched the door, coming to face to face with an elderly woman. By her attire Ada assumed she was a maid but she wasn't her usual one, regardless she shrugged it off and half smiled.

"Beg pardon, my lady. I've come to refill the wash basin." She said kindly, shutting the door in a haste behind her.

"No need." Ada replied but her brows soon furrowed by the sudden drop of the woman's face. She looked terrified and it put Ada even more on edge than she already was.

"You still have friends in the North. If you're ever in trouble, light a candle in the highest window of the broken tower." The lady informed.

Ada smiled gratefully at the woman, mouthing a thank you as she squeezed her hands for support. "You're not alone." The lady reminded the young wolf, as she scurried off leaving Ada conflicted.


Ada found herself standing outside of the broken tower. The woman's words stuck with her like a thorn in her side and she'd be lying if she said she didn't ponder over the woman's words. If there was a way to escape she wanted to take it, but at this very moment in time she knew she wouldn't be able to get Rickon out and she was not leaving him behind.

"Lovely dress." A sudden voice broke Ada out of her daze. The brunette turned to see no one other than Myranda. She hadn't saw her in a while and she was hoping it would stay like it. "Who made it for you?"

"My mother." Ada replied, focusing her attention back on the old tower, recalling the memories of when Bran and her used to climb it and later get scolded by their mother.

"You must miss her." Myranda presumed.

"All the time." She sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry for what happened to her." Myranda uttered, looking down. "It's nice that you have something left of her. Now every time you wear it, you can remember her."

"I suppose." Ada shrugged, not wanting to recall these memories on such a day as her wedding day.

"I know it's not the same. Still, it's good to remember how things were."

The Stark girl somewhat nodded. "I should get going."

"For the wedding?" Myranda perked up, beaming. But it didn't reach her eyes and Ada could very well see the jealousy swarming in her dark eyes. After all she was Ramsay's whore, and that's all she'd ever be.

"Indeed." Ada agreed.

"He's gonna break you, you know." Myranda seethed, her mood changing wholly.

Ada could only laugh softly. "Not if I break him first."

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