chapter eleven

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"The way he carried you inside was just so cute. You can't tell me there's nothing going on between you too.", Terra gushed as the five girls walked outside, they had trainging today with the guys. "There's nothing going on, I fell asleep. That's it.", Sae rolls her eyes. "But he carried you all the way from wherever you two were!", Aisha exclaimed adn Sae just waved her off. 

But she had to admit, it was kind of cute. And she couldn't belive there would ever be time where she thought Riven was cute. Hot, yeah sure, but never cute. 

The girls were paired up, but Sae walked up to Bloom and Sky that were standing on the side and watched others. "I just wish they'd tell us how to fight these things. We've literally aced every test but this one. ", Bloom wondered out loud, she turned to Sae. "Did you pass it?", she asked her and Sae shook her head. "No, I haven't tried it yet, tho."

"Didn't you do a trainging day last year?", Bloom asked both, Sky and Sae, she nodded her head but Sky shook his. "Yeah, but it was nothing like this. It's like they've gone full war games." - "Oh, well... I mean, they were soldiers, before they were teachers. So, I guess it's on-brand for Alfea faculty. ", Bloom choked, just as Professor Harvey walked past them. 

"Professor Harvey? Can we get a hint?", Sky called out to him and he detoured towards us. "Every failure brings you one step closer to success.", he stopped in front, crossing his chest. "Very good lesson, Professor, as usual.", Sae snorted at Bloom's sarcastic comment, whilst Sky only looked at her. The comment went by unnoticed by Harvey.

 "Just be patient. Inside every burned one is a magical core called a cinder, and with time and finesse, you can use your magic to destroy it. But, the key is mutual trust. You must trust your specialist to hold it back while you channel controlled magic, and the specialist must trust their fairy to get the job done.", he finished off, looking at the three of us.

"Now, you two, keep practising. And you..", he points his finger at me. "..going to find a specialist with me. Let's go.", Sae groans when he starts walking away towards the platform where others were training. "I think Riven's free right now. You should pair them together, Professor!", Sae's eyes widened as she heard Sky yell behind her. She turns around flipping him off, only to see him laughing wildly at her. 

Professor Harvey kept walking in the direction of school, yelling behind him to her to find a partner, so she looked around until she saw a familiar face. Terra and Riven sitting on the bench, talking. She furrowed her brows at seeing them, not yelling or trying to kill each other. 

"She's right, tho. You're a force out there.", she could hear Riven say as she walks up to hem. "Am I hearing this right? Did the almighty, grumpy Riven just gave a compliment to someone?", Sae joked, standing in front of them. Terra smiled, zhanking Riven along the way. Riven smirked at Sae, looking her up and down, but she didn't notice it as she was looking at Terra. 

"Ahh, don't be jelaous, darling. I can give you compliments too." Sae rolled her eyes at him. "You're good too.", Terra ignored his comment to Sae as she tried to give him a warm smile. "Oh fuck off, I was shit. After two attempts with me, Aisha quit combat and switched to support so..", he trailed off and Terra and I shared a look. 

"Well, it's been a weird week.", Terra tried to consol him in a way, while Sae on the other hand pondered how could she make him feel better. "I'm sorry. i know that you and Beatrix were close, so that must be hard...", she traile off, and Sae snapped her head towards her at that. Right, Beatrix. She didn't feel like making him feel better anymore. She couldn't even look at him, even though she could feel his eyes on her. Yet he needed her to look at him.

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