chapter fourteen

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Sae all but forgot about her birthday, so when she saw Sky, Sam and Riven at Bloom's front porch she was a bit confused and scared. She didn't know how to act around Riven, but he seemed like his old self, no evil lurking behind his eyes.

They rushed her in the car, Ssky, Bloom, Stella, Riven and her were inside, the rest of the girls driving in the second car.

After they drove for a while, they put a blindfold on Sae, her hands constantly fleeting to it, trying to peek through. It got to the point where Riven took her hands in his. He held on to them until they got to their destination.

"We're here!", Bloom annonauced as the car came to a halt. Sae bit her lip anxiously, she raked her brain all throughout the ride but she couldn't come up to where could've they taken her.

But the moment she stepped out of the car with the help of Riven she knew. The sound of waves crashing and smell of salt engulfed her senses. Her smile grew and grew bigger, the more she listened to the breeze carrying the water all around her.

"Happy birthday.", Riven whispered softly in her ear as he untied the blindfold. Only then did she notice how close he was standing behind her. His chest touching her back ever so slightly. But it still burned her skin.

He removed himself from her as he stood next to her now, his eyes never leaving her face. He couldn't help himself as his heart swelled at the smile on her face.

The moment her eyes connected with the water in front of her, they changed the color. Her eyes glowing the same shade as the ocean before her. If possible her smile grew even more.

Her fingertips tingled, as she rocked on her feet. She couldn't wait to get there as soon as possible. Her excitement was evident in all of her. And everyone around her could feel it seeping through her. Riven doesn't think he ever saw her so happy.

And he didn't expect her to even thank right away, he was almost shocked she was still standing here instead of running straight at the ocean in front of them. He knew she was thankful and that she would thank him later on, but he also knew how much she missed it - she told him that last year, right before summer brake. The same time she told him she wouldn't be able to go there for the break.

So when she turned around and hugged him, hands tightly around his neck, he didn't really know what to do. His hands helplessly stood half raised and a shocked, almost terrified expression adorned his face.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!", she kept repeating herself, and only then did he snap out of it, his hands snaking around her waist as he buried his face in her hair. He inhaled her scent, her light perfume now mixed with the salty air made her even more beautiful.

He didn't want to let her go, but he knew he couldn't hold on to her forever, as much as he wanted to.

She pulls away from him, her blue eyes looking straight at his brown, her smile never once leaving her face. "Thank you, Riv.", she says, and he almost collapses right then and there.

This was the first time he ever hear her say his nickname and he wanted nothing more than hear her say it all the time. He managed to catch himself from embarrassing himself as he said back to her "You're welcome, Princess."

They stood there, maybe for a second or a minute, neither could tell, just looking at each other's eyes. But he could almost feel the itch in her chest growing. He removes his hands away from her body and smiled.

"Go.", it came out as a whisper even though he didn't want it to. In a second she let him go and ran straight towards the ocean. Not slowing one bit. She crashed in the waves and the water engulfed her as he stood there watching, completely mesmerised.

breathe // riven x ocNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ