Chapter 8

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I woke up feeling really sick, I called the coffee shop and the flower shop letting them know that I won't be in today. I texted Angelica to see if she still had his number with her, she happily texted me the number and told me that she would stop later.

Bianca: Hey, it's Bianca, I am feeling sick today, so I won't be going into work today.

I went to the kitchen to make some tea, mint tea has always helped me feel better. As I waited for the water to boil, I laid my head down on the counter. The coolness making me feel a little better already.

My tea pot starts to make a noise and I know the water is done. I steam my tea and go back to my bedroom, needing to lay down. The dizzy spell isn't going away yet, but I am hoping it does soon. I drink my tea and put a show on to distract myself, I don't know if you guys have seen Lucifer, but hot damn is it good. After my tea was finished, I put some light music on and lay down.

Waking up knocking on the door put fear through me. "Omygod, I hope he didn't find me, I chose somewhere he wouldn't find me. A small town on the other side of the country, I didn't tell anyone where I was going. With my heart pounding, I grab my phone and slip it in my back pocket, just in case I need to call someone. I walk slowly towards the door, my heart is pounding, and I feel like I might pass out.

I take a deep breath, and crack the door open, standing there is Angelica. I smile at her and pull the door open, so she can walk in. "Hey, sorry I was going to text you, but I left my phone at work and I haven't had a chance to go back, I wanted to check on you first." I give her a small smile, feeling my heart rate go back to normal.

"That's ok, i'm sorry I couldn't help today. I have been feeling sick." I give her an i am sorry smile and invite her in. She waves her hand in a don't worry about it matter.

"So, I got you some meds, some tea, but I can see that you already have some." She winks at me, "And I brought my laptop, so we can watch some movies." I smile at her and motion for her to follow me.

Once we get comfortable, I face her. "C... Can I ask you a question?" I look up at her, blushing. She smiles at me and nods her head. "Do you know the guy from the coffee shop that came in that one time?"

She smiles at me, "Girl, how do you not know him?" She asks me. I shrug my shoulders and look at her to tell me more about him.

She sighs, "He apparently owns his own company and he inherited it from his father, his father and mom are both retired and are in the Bahamas. They go there often, I am so jealous I wish I could travel." She sighs dreamily. "He isn't a play boy, it is said that he hasn't dated since his last serious girlfriend. No one knows why they broke up. Ugh he is so handsome." She looks over at me to see me blush and sip my tea.

I want to tell her everything about me and that way if she doesn't want to be friends then we don't have to be. I just don't want to put her into any danger. I sit in silence for a moment. "Can I tell you something?" I look at her, "This is my biggest secret." I tell her and look down at my lap.

She puts her hand over mine, "You can tell me anything and I won't tell anyone about it." She says with a gentle smile. I nod my head and start telling her what happened to me. She sits there and patiently listens to me. After I was finished, I didn't want to see the facial expression that she was making.

The next thing I know, she is hugging me with everything she has, "I am so, so sorry for what you have gone through. You shouldn't have gone through all of that. Did you report it to the police?" She asked.

I shook my head no. "Well, you are really strong. And I am here for you now, I will always be here. Wait, does this mean we are best friends?" She asks excitedly.

Smiling at her, "Yes, we are best friends. Just so you know, you are my first best friend, and I am really excited about it." I look at her and we hug. This is what a best friend is, i've never felt so happy in my life. We sit down and talk for the rest of the night.


Here is another update for you guys, had a little more free time. Please enjoy comment and vote! Thank you for giving this a chance! <3

Little SunflowerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon