chapter twenty one

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This game is either going to be the best or worst game of my career.

Well, maybe the second worst game if we lose. Nothing will come close to how I felt after we lost states last year, especially because we lost in overtime. I don't think I've ever felt that heartbroken in my life.

I'm in a terrible mood when I wake up, but I can't even be annoyed because I did it to myself. Thank goodness for the dining hall having a coffee station, because that's where I drag myself as soon as I'm able to function.

The people in charge of all high school sports in Minnesota have changed the rules for this year and every year following, so the semifinals and finals of all tournaments will be held at a neutral sight. This year, the tournaments are being held at the University of Minnesota.

Since the campus is an hour away, we don't have to stay in hotels like some of the teams do. We get to leave early though, and it starts to set in as our bus pulls away from our own campus.

Ella is practically losing her mind as we pull into UM's campus, because it's her dream to go here. Her parents went here, her brother goes here, and a lot of her family went here too. I don't even think I want to know what would happen if Ella doesn't go here.

I'm feeling a bit more awake than I was this morning, but that's because I drank a huge coffee and took a nap during Latin since we had a sub. Just to be safe, I open an energy drink that I brought with me from Tavia's office and take a few sips. I feel as the drink starts to kick in, and now I'm definitely feeling ready to go.

MPA is already warming up when our bus pulls up to the field. Their light blue jerseys are a taunting reminder of last year, even though the light blue last year was the color of their numbers because of the white away jerseys they were wearing. Regardless, seeing their color scheme twists my stomach into knots.

We load off the bus and step onto the field. Ella is still fangirling, constantly commenting on how beautiful everything is. If I didn't know her as well as I do and how much being here means to her, I would honestly think she's a little crazy.

My nerves start to settle as we go through our warmup, but they immediately come rushing back when I take my position on the field for the start of the game. The only thing making me feel somewhat calm is seeing all of the Eden Hall supporters that are here to watch us.

Mostly every sports team, along with other students, parents, and even some teachers are here supporting us. It makes me feel so special, and I'm shocked to feel totally fine when the ref blows the whistle to start the game.

It was no secret coming into this game that it was going to be a battle. Every pass, slide tackle, and shot has purpose and meaning behind it. There's a season on the line and a championship in sight. I can't even breathe by the time halftime rolls around, and I stay out to start the second half because of it.

The play is back and forth, with each team getting multiple quality chances to score. Every time MPA takes a shot, I hold my breath and don't let it go until I know we're in the clear.

When I'm subbed back in, I give everything I have until that final whistle blows. More déjà vu washes over me, because we're going to overtime. This is exactly how we lost to them last year, and I don't know if I can handle that again.

After two overtimes without any results, we have to turn to the last possible thing to decide the winner.

Penalty kicks.

Our penalty kick lineup is stacked, but I don't know how Avery will do against their lineup. Since MPA is considered the home team in this game, they choose to kick second. I'm a ball of nerves as Tatum steps up to the PK line, but she easily shoots it to the bottom right corner, putting us up 1-0 in the shootout.

We keep going back and forth with MPA, because everyone keeps scoring. Ella, Morgan, Blayke, Aaliyah, and Justine have all scored to put us ahead, but MPA comes right back and ties it every time.

When I hear Hofmann call my name when he chooses his kicker for the seventh round, I freeze. I'm not good at penalty kicks, and I don't want to be the one that blows it for my team. I would never be able to live with myself.

The ref signals me forward and I step up to the line. I take my time to spin the ball around, setting it down on the PK line when I finally like the look of it. I look back at my teammates, who all give me nods of approval.

They believe in me. I can do this.

When the ref blows the whistle, I don't start immediately. I take a deep breath, shake out my hands, and back up. I run up and strike through the ball, watching as the goalie dives for it.

She guessed the right side. Shit.

I watch in agony as her hand reaches for the ball, but a feeling of shock rises in my body as I watch the ball deflect off her fingers and into the net. Relief floods through me and I'm all smiles as I make my way back to my team.

The next MPA player steps up to shoot, and I grab Lily's hand as we all stand in a line to watch her. She looks confident, almost a little too confident for my liking. Instead of focusing and getting ready to shoot, she keeps turning back to laugh at what her teammates are saying to her.

When the ref blows the whistle, she jumps ridiculously high a few times and steps up. She has a great kick, and sends the ball towards the top corner.

I watch as it sails through the air, fully expecting it to hit the back of the net. But right before it goes in, I watch Avery's hand connect with the ball and push it over the net.

It takes a minute to register that we've just won and knocked off the former state champs. The shrieks of joy from my teammates as we sprint over to Avery and tackle her can probably be heard by the entire UM campus.

After shaking hands with MPA, it finally sets in. We're going to the state finals again, and we might actually be able to do this. We could be the state champions in a week.

All of us run over to the crowd after Hofmann finishes his speech, so that we can go meet with our friends and family. Instead of going to my parents, I run straight to Charlie. I jump up into his waiting arms and hug him so tight. I don't care how mad I am at him right now, I'm so grateful he came to support me for this.

Eventually, I say hi to my parents and thank them for coming before I'm ushered back to the bus. We go a little crazy, but that's okay. We're going to the state finals.

I guarantee it won't end the same way as last year, because I refuse to let that happen.

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