chapter twenty eight

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She met someone.

Sooner or later, I knew this would happen. Sadie would finally realize that she's too good for me and would find someone who's in her league.

I mean, I don't blame her. I forgot our anniversary, ignored her, and basically acted like none of it was a big deal. I've been a pretty bad boyfriend. It just sucks that when I've finally figured out what I want, she's apparently moved on.

Skating away from her was a bad idea. I know it was, believe me. I just needed to be away from everyone or I was going to explode. The only thing I can think about is the party at Adam's later. I wasn't planning on drinking too much, but looks like plans have changed. I just need to get this off my mind.

I head for the locker room, and I'm not shocked to find nobody in there when I walk in. Right now, it's just me and my thoughts. Me being alone right now is pretty dangerous, because I'm so close to taking my helmet and hurling it at the wall. I literally can't believe this.

Instead of hurling my helmet at the wall though, I sit in my stall and put my head into my hands. I'm so aggravated, shocked, frustrated, mad, sad, annoyed, you name it. Every negative word in the book, add it to how I'm feeling right now.

I should be out on the ice right now, celebrating with my teammates. Instead, I'm sitting here in the locker room alone, about to bawl my eyes out because I might lose my girlfriend.

And to some random guy too. What does he have that I don't? I guarantee you he's not as good as me, and now I'm going to have to prove it even more.

My teammates come storming in a few minutes later, yelling and cheering like we've just won an Olympic gold medal. I don't feel that way though. I feel like I didn't even make it out of the Olympic qualifiers.

"Yo Conway!" Mason calls out to me. "Why did you leave the ice? We were looking for you out there!"

I shrug and try to play off how I'm feeling as best as I can. "I needed some time to let it sink in. It still doesn't feel real to me."

"Ah, alright. I'm so excited for the party later, aren't you?" His expression is shining with pride, but I notice the curious note in his voice. I think he might know that there's more to my actions right now than I'm letting everyone in on.

I chuckle and stand up. "Why wouldn't I be? I get to celebrate a state championship with my team, and drink with my friends while doing it. What's better than that?"

"Hell yeah!" Mason yells as he runs to hug me. I can't help but laugh, because seeing his eagerness to fit in and excitement about being included in these things remind me of how I was when I was in his spot last year.

Orion comes into the locker room and drags us back onto the ice for a team picture. Once we get back into the locker room, he's nothing but smiles. He's not much of a smiley person, so this is unusual. I mean, I get that we just won a state championship, but I honestly don't think I've ever seen him smile this much.

When we're all seated at our stalls, Orion stands in the middle of the locker room and takes a look at each of us before speaking.

"I just want to say how incredibly proud I am of this team. You all have shown great resilience and strength, even in times of hardship. I'm so grateful to be your coach. We did it boys... and girls. We're champions. Take it in. Seniors, make sure this stays with you for the rest of your lives. Underclassmen, don't let this be your defining moment. We still have a lot of work to do. Congratulations."

I never knew Orion could be sentimental, so this is a first. I'm grateful for him though, because none of this would've been possible without him.

And now, we know exactly what we need to do for next season to defend our title once again.


Adam's house is packed.

Forget his parties from earlier this year, and even Rick's huge parties from last year. This is the most insane thing I've ever seen.

Basically the entire school is here, and I don't even want to know how we're all fitting in this backyard. Granted, Adam has an insanely huge backyard that can fit all of these people, but it's definitely cozy in here.

Since the hockey team and girlfriends got here way earlier than everyone else, we were able to get all the best spots. All of us Ducks immediately went for the couches that are on the huge patio, while the seniors and juniors grabbed all of the open barstools. Some of the girls are sitting with us, some are sitting with the older guys, and some are sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool.

As the party has gone on, each one of the Ducks slowly disappeared from the couches. Whether it was to have some alone time with their significant other or to find other people to talk to, only me, Connie, and Guy are still sitting on the couches. Guy has his arm around Connie, who's basically using him as her pillow. I notice as his fingers absently play with her hair, and how content they both look.

They're too cute for their own good.

"I just don't get it." I huff dramatically as I take a sip of my beer. "I gave her all the time she needed to cool off, and she suddenly meets someone else. I get it, I messed up by forgetting our anniversary. I've tried to make it up to her and she just closes me off. I hate relationships."

"Charlie," Connie says, sitting up and looking at me dead in the face. "Have you ever thought that she's closing you off because you've closed her off?"

I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Maybe the reason why she's been so distant is because you've been distant from her. In all your effort to give her space, that's actually what's been pushing her away."

"I still don't get it." I admit. "Why wouldn't she appreciate the space I gave her after I know I messed up?"

Connie sighs and shakes her head sadly. "It's not that she doesn't appreciate it Charlie, I'm sure she does. It's just that you've given her so much space that she probably thinks you want nothing to do with her anymore."

I go to interrupt her, but she cuts me off before I can. "Before you interrupt me, let me explain. After you forgot, you basically brushed it off, right?" I nod. "Okay, that's definitely one of the problems. The main problem though is that you gave her too much space. Giving her time to reflect and be angry about it was good, but when you didn't really try to make an effort after a couple weeks, that's when she started to close you off. By giving her too much space, you made it seem like you didn't care. That's the issue. By trying to show you cared, you made it seem the opposite."

I can't even form words. I look at Guy, who just shrugs. "Don't question her dude, it's not worth it."

"I'm always right." Connie says with a smirk. I guess she also notices my expression, which makes her frown. "Don't beat yourself up over it Charlie, you still have a lot of time to fix it. I believe in you. You got this!"

I give her a grateful smile and get up, my eyes immediately scanning for Sadie. I find her on the lounge chairs with a bunch of her soccer friends, and I'm not shocked to notice the absence of Ella and Morgan. However, I'm shocked to notice the absence of Blayke.

Go Mason!

I walk up behind her and lightly touch her shoulder. When she turns around, there's a stampede going through my stomach. "Hey." I mumble quietly. "Can we talk?"

"Sure." she replies tightly. She stands up and waits for me to move, so I grab her hand and lead her inside. When we get inside the same guest room where we were just a few weeks ago, everything about it feels so similar, yet different.

She sits on the bed and waits for me, so I sit down next to her. We stare at each other for what could be hours before I finally clear my throat. This is brutal.

"So..." she starts. "What's up?"

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