A line of Salt

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Call me paranoid; I couldn't help it. After all the strange occurrences in our home---ones which, upon investigation, appeared to have no rational explanation--I started to go a little off the deep end. I first got the idea from that hokey tv show---'Paranormal', I think it's called. The theory was that if you placed an unbroken line of salt in front of a door or window, humans could easily step over it but nothing inhuman would dare risk touching it. So I went and sprinkled a thick line of Morton's Best in front of each window, the front and back doors. By the time I was finished, my husband was home.

"Honey? Come open up; I think my key is stuck in the lock!"

The door rattled and I paused halfway down the stairs. Why didn't he just open it and come in like usual?

"Karen, honey, open up! This isn't funny anymore!"

The rattling became banging. I was starting to get scared.

"Jason, that door is unlocked--"


I have no idea what compelled me to peek through the blinds just then, but I'm glad I did. I'm so sorry, honey. But I saw your eyes turn black. Whatever you are now, you're not my husband anymore and I'm not letting you inside.

Dont Fear....Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя