Im Done

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As soon as my wife got home I took the car and left. I was so done with everything. My wife didn't need me. My family didn't need me. And most of all, My kids didn't need me. I was a deadbeat drunk dad and I was much better off where I was going then sitting at home and drinking away what little money we had.

You could say I was being selfish. I didn't view it as selfish. In a way I was doing them all a favor. I was doing my kids a favor. I sadly admit that I've abused them. I know they hate me and I don't blame them. Perhaps they will forgive me in time. They will do what I failed to do. They will do good in school and move on to college. They will make their mother proud.

Well here I am. I've been planning this for awhile. I planned where i would swerve the car off the bridge. I planned which side I would veer the car off to make it look like it was an accident. Here I go.

The car flies off the bridge exactly where I planned it to. Everything goes slow. I think about everything I've done. And then I think about everything my kids will go on to do. I smile and look back to see the sky one last time.

And there sitting in the back are my two kids knocked out asleep.


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