10. Excursion

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The next morning Viola awoke in her bed early to the twittering of birds. When she turned her head she could make out the king's back, as his figure slowly moved up and down to his sleepy breaths.

His back was broad and every inch of it seemed chiseled with muscles. Few scars ran along his back. Some bigger, some darker, some barely visible.

Viola reached out tracing the tip of her index finger along one of them. His back felt warm and his skin was far softer than it looked.

Viola wondered what battles he must have fought as a knight back before became a King. Archer had awoken to her soft touch and waited for a moment before finally glancing over his shoulder at the Queen.
Viola pulled her hand away as she felt her ears burn up. Archer chuckled as a result of her action, "Good morning, Princess."

Viola sat up in her bed rubbing her eyes and trying to shake the embarrassment. "Good morning." Since when did he call her "Princess"?

Archer slipped his legs off the side of the bed also coming to a seated position. "Um, your Highness?" Viola asked quietly.

King Archer turned his head looking her in the eyes waiting for her to go on.

"I was wondering..., do you think maybe we could go on an outing together?"

His emotionless mask didn't even flinch.

"An outing?"


"Where to?"

"Well, there's this place I could show you, it's by the mountain close to the castle."

Archer ran his hand through his hair in thought. He knew it would be risky and that there was a possibility that she was trying to lure him out of the safety of the castle's walls but the more he got to know her, the more he believed that she was truly not planning anything.

The young King got up from his bed, "Alright, let's go right now then."

Viola tilted her head in surprise, "Now?"

And so Viola ended up in the royal carriage next to the King as they rode towards the mountain Viola had described to the coachmen.
Behind them rode four fully armored knights on horses in case they needed protection.

The whole ride the King and Queen didn't speak a word, but it didn't seem to bother either of them. They both watched the landscape roll passed them through the open space above the doors.

When the carriage finally came to a halt and they got out the King held out his hand to help the Queen. She carefully placed her hand in his and stepped out, a little surprised by his gentlemanlike behavior. 

They stood at the foot of a hill with their backs to a large meadow.

"This is where you wanted to go?" The King asked not overly impressed.

Viola shook her head, "No we have to go up the hill."

Archer looked up at the forest that steeply led to the top of the hill.

One of the knights got off his horse and made his way over to the royal pair. "It would be difficult for us to climb that with the armor, Sire. We should find a different place for your outing."

Admittedly Archer was interested in where the Queen wanted to take him so he instead ordered two of the knights to lose some of their armor and to join them on foot.

As they began making their way up the hill the king warned the Queen mockingly, "Don't fall this time."

The Queen carefully stepped over a few roots as she followed close behind him.

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