13. The Fear of Truth

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Archers thoughts were still a mess when he entered the royal sleeping chamber. His eyes fell directly to Viola that was curled up in blankets in the large bed.

She tried ignoring his presence as he loomed over her by her bedside. She did not have to the strength to fight him tonight. What more could he throw at her?

Archer noticed her pale complexion and her tired eyes. "Why haven't you eaten anything today?" Archer asked sternly as it seemed.

It's not like you care, Viola thought to herself as she completely ignored his presence and words.

"Amelie is worried about you, so much so that she consoled in me," The King added.

The young Queen didn't show but she did feel guilty for having pushed away Amelie all day.

Through the form of the sheets he could make out the way she'd curled into a fetus position. Even though she didn't look at him, she looked so very defeated.

It's an act, Archer reminded himself internally.

"Fine. Ignore me all you want."

Over the course of the next few days Viola and Archer didn't talk. Not a single word. They saw each other every evening but didn't even glance at one another.

His words had impacted her so much so that she felt like she didn't know the King at all. Like the kind things he'd said and done really had all been an act so she didn't have anything more to say.

Meanwhile Amelie reported back to the King, "She did not speak much today and asking her what is wrong leads to no answer. I'm afraid that asking her about it too much will make her push me away." Amelie's words were honest. She really didn't know what was wrong with the Queen and even though she reported back to the King she did care for Viola.

She knew fully well that going behind the Queens back was more than wrong but if that's what it took to lower the chances of a possible uprising against the current King then that's what she would do. She would never let another family member die in a fight for the royal crown. It was not her fight, but she was willing to do anything to protect her family and keep the castle and the country at peace.

"I'm starting to doubt your honesty," the King said leaning forward on the table of his study and folding his hands. His cold eyes watched her reaction to his words carefully.

Amelie knew he was testing her and it angered her. "You know my reasons for helping you," she hissed at him.

"She's not letting me in, and that's something I can't change. I'm trying."

"Then keep trying," the King said in a threatening manner, before waving for her to leave him. Frowning Amelie curtsied him before leaving his study.

"Damit," the King whispered once he was alone. Not letting her in, sounded familiar to the King.

In truth the silence that came from seeing the Queen was driving him mad. His intentions were to push her away with his words and not to break everything they had. Archer chuckled at his own thoughts, before sighing. Everything they had? They didn't have anything besides laying with one another. So why did it bother him so?

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