Chapter 8 - A Vow Not to Sass

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I've been silently sulking for the past twenty minutes while the two men in the front seats keep talking. I don't pay much attention to what they're saying but I'm still listening to the sound of Joshua King's voice.

I'll never admit it out loud but his voice is truly beautiful; deep-timbered, smooth, and sexy. I wonder if he could sing. I bet he could've easily gotten a job as a DJ or for commercials with that voice. He could've easily become a model or a movie star for his good looks.

I let my mind adrift after a while but my ears perk up when I hear Otto ask, "So, what's the plan? There must be more than just a few succubi in this city. How's your girl going to help us catch the one who stole the Grimoire?"

Succubi? Did he really say succubi? This is the second time I heard the word succubi or succubus being mentioned today. Joshua was the first to have brought it up to me this afternoon.

I don't know much about them but I read somewhere that succubi are supposed to be female demons who seduce men and sleep with them to steal their souls or suck their energy. But that's just folklore. A myth. They don't exist.

Maybe I heard wrong. Otto didn't say succubi...did he? I lean forward to hear them better above the sound of the engine.

"We'll go to the club where they met last night and let her scope the place out. She will point the succubus out to us when she sees her," replies Joshua.

"Yeah, because you don't know what the succubus looks like since you're too busy thinking with your other head to realize that she was using another girl's body," Otto snickers.

"Errr...succubus?" I try to ask them but my voice is drowned by Joshua's voice when he says, "You're one to talk! I wasn't the one who fell into that stupid trap in Rome. An amateur would have known that it was a trap from a mile away."

"What do you mean succubus?" I try again.

"Dude! That was ancient history!" protests Otto. "You don't need to dig out my old mistakes every time you messed up!"

"Ancient history? Bud, that happened less than ten days ago. My gorgeous ass is still smoking from the gunshot for trying to save your ugly ass."

"What gunshot? You didn't get shot! And I saved myself---"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I yell, waving my hand around to get their attention. These two are nuts and I'm certifiably crazy for agreeing to go anywhere with them. "I'm trying to ask a question here!"

Two heads swivel around and suddenly two pairs of eyes are staring back at me. They turn to look at each other before Otto quickly turns to face the road and Joshua returns his attention to me.

His pale blue eyes are full of amusement. The corners of his lips curl up, one higher than the other, into that sexy lopsided smirk. "Are you done sulking, beautiful?"

"I don't sulk," I tell him. "I contemplate."

One of his dark eyebrows inches up. "Contemplate huh?"

He looks at Otto and they both chuckle and I hate to feel as though they're ganging up on me. It's like having two annoying brothers and they're not even my brothers.

"Yeah, I'm a deep thinker," I tell them flatly. "And you both suck!"

Joshua laughs and I hear Otto snicker in the background. My death stare doesn't have any effect on Joshua King, so I meet Otto's stare in the rearview mirror with a scowl and he coughs and quiets down.

"So, what do you mean by succubus?"

"The blonde you met last night," Joshua answers, finally. "She's a succubus and she took over...or borrowed your body to seduce me." He pauses. "You do know what a succubus is, don't you?"

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