"The Trip" Ch. 1-15

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[Scott POV]
The scholar trip is on 2 days, i've already prepared the suitcase, i'm excited cuz me and Isaac will be on this trip together, i thought heavily on acting more as a couple with him, why can't i express my love to him anywhere?

[Isaac POV]
I also got my stuff ready, it's an experience, i never went out of the country at all, i barely leave the city i live sometimes. I thought on giving Scott... Something, on the trip.

[Third Person, 2 days later]
Scott already said goodbye to his parents, they asked him to take care of Isaac, of course he said "Obviously."

Isaac, got told goodbye by his mom, and he went to the bus.

The trip is starting, it will be a 2 hours and half roadtrip.

Fritz and James sat together, in front of Isaac and Scott, they wanted to check on 'em, for top gay action.

[Scott POV]
I sat there, Isaac of course was sitting next to me, he fell asleep with his legs over my lap 10 minutes in, i slept over him aswell though.

It passed 2 hours, we were near there, i woke up, Isaac already was listening to music, with his head on my shoulder, i poked him

Isaac: "Hm, what's up love?"

Scott: "I wanted to say that i love ya."

Issac: "You don't need to, i already know!"



We laughed together.

Fritz: "Guys can you not be cheesy every 10 seconds, i'm tryna sleep..."

Isaac: "We almost arrive though."

Fritz: "Still."

James: "I don't really mind, i love romance!"

Scott: "Aw."

Fritz: "Fuck ya'll."

Scott: "Ow you broke my feelings."

Isaac just chuckled about it.

Like 25 minutes later, we arrived to the hotel, the teacher gave us the key to the room 305, it was a regular room, as you may have expected, there were 2 beds though.

Fritz inmediatly ran into the window bed and claimed it as his.

Isaac: "Geez, okay me and Scott are getting the other bed."

James: "Good, guess me and Fritz on the window bed, guys, don't have sex in the room."

Scott: "WHAT, NO!"

I looked down at Isaac, who was already on the second bed, he lowered his head.


Isaac: "Sorry, i get ya Scott."

Fritz: "You gonna talk about emotional stuff?"

James: "Comunication is important, Fritz."

Fritz: "Yeah, but you guys are too cheesy!"

Isaac: "So-"

Scott: "What i told you about the s-word."

Isaac: "I do want to say it though."

Scott: "But you can't!"

Fritz: "See, told you, cheesy as fuck."

James: "It's not cheesy it's cute!"

Fritz: "Being single sucks."

James: "I don't really care about being or not single."

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