"Third Day" Ch. 1-17

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[Isaac POV]
We prepared for the new day, it was a simple day, more tourism, more akward questions about Scott and me, it was fine, atleast Scott didn't mind.

We went to more important places and that.

[Scott POV]
Isaac didn't eat much again, it's starting to be a problem.

We were walking with the rest of the rest of the group, i was talking to Isaac about how full everything was, until i heard him.

Isaac: "Scott... I..."

I turned my head, Isaac was about to fall, i quickly ran to grab him and called the teacher in charge.

It was not a surprise Isaac would pass out after not eating, if he wasn't worried all the time this wouldn't have happened.

We sat with the teacher and Isaac slowly regained conciousness.

Isaac: "W-what happened...?"

Teacher: "You passed out apparently, for 5 minutes."

Isaac: "I'm so sorry, i think i didn't eat enough, i struggle eating when i'm stressed..."

Scott: "It's alright, uh i'm gonna get you something to eat."

Isaac: "Thank you."

I went to get Isaac something to eat, i needed to help him. I overheard a talk between the teacher and Isaac.

Isaac: "I'm sorry i interrupted the walk, sir."

Teacher: "Don't worry, your safety and your classmate's are my priority, you were indeed lucky that Scott was there to help you, you could've gotten something worse if you hit your head."

Isaac: "I imagine."

I brought a sandwich for Isaac to eat, i also brought him a juice.

Scott: "Now you have to eat it okay?"

Isaac: "Yeah, okay, geez you worry too much about me."

Scott: "It's basically my job."

The teacher semeed to understand.

Teacher: "Imma leave you boys alone, tell me if you need anything."

Scott: "Sure."

After the teacher left i was alone with Isaac.

Scott: "You don't have to fake we are platonic BFFs you know."

Isaac: "Sorry, i'm still getting used to being on a relationship."

Scott: "Jokes on you, i think i've already been on a relationship, before you and all."

Isaac: "Oh, tell me about it."

Scott: "So it was when i was 13, i liked a girl that was on my classroom, it took a while but i told him how i felt and she said she felt that way too, blah blah blah, kiss kiss, we broke up because we didn't really feel good with eachother."

Isaac: "So you had your experience in kissing, so that's why you're so good!"

Scott: "I uh... GRAH SHUT UP."

Isaac: "It was a joke, s-!"

Scott: "Don't forget you are forbidden from using the s-word!"

Isaac: "Oh right."

Scott: "Uh, you enjoying your food?"

Isaac: "Yep, eating with you makes me feel better, guess it was just stress."

Scott: "That's good!"

Isaac: "Okay, foods done now imma throw this stuff up and let's meet up with the others."

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