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My alarm goes off and I groan, not wanting to have to face the day yet. After my dinner with the Reign family yesterday, I feel absolutely exhausted and it was literally only an encounter which lasted an hour and a half.

I don't want to allow myself to think about what happened before that. I kissed Kian back. What's worse is that I liked it. A lot.

Since we were interupted by his mum, we haven't had a moment alone and for as full on as the lady can be, I'm thankful she was there. I don't know what I would have done if Kian brought up the kiss or worse, kissed me again.

I sigh, knowing it's only going to get worse because this evening we're going out to an event. In public. With other people who will be staring and trying to pick apart every detail about us.

I go about my day, lounging around in my pyjamas before I have to get ready. I assume the dress code is formal and I'll probably wear a conservative dress for the occasion, similar to one I'd wear for a work event. I'm not too bothered about making a huge effort, even though it will be our debut as a couple.

I guess one of the good things about this relationship being fake is that I don't feel nervous or immense pressure about presenting myself in a way which will get people to like me. At this point, I don't think Kian would bat an eyelid if I turned up in a gift wrap dress. As long as I'm present and still a participant in his plan, he probably wouldn't even notice.

I'm tucking into a new show on Netflix, fulling intending to binge watch until I have to get ready for the charity gala when the doorbell rings. I sigh, knowing I'm the only one home and will have to get up to answer it.

I open the door, not recognising the lady on the other side but she seems to be well acquainted with who I am. "Oh my! Aren't you a dear! I can see why he's so enraptured with you!".

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I question the fashionable older lady with light pink tips on the ends of her hair.

"Kian didn't tell you I was coming? Of course he didn't! The name's Jo and it seems like I'm going to be your fairy godmother for the evening."

Jo doesn't wait for an invitation and bustles past me through to my living room talking a mile a minute. "So, we have the outfit rack arriving in the next half an hour with a seamstress to do any last minute alterations you may need. The style crew will be here in just over an hours time to begin hair and makeup. We should have enough time to get you all ready for the event tonight. Aren't you excited?!"

Not knowing exactly how to respond, I smile faintly. Not that Jo needed me to speak. It seems like she's the type of person to keep the conversation going for the both of us and I'm perfectly happy letting her chat up a storm. What I don't quite understand is why Kian has decided to invite a whole team to get me ready for this evening when it's just one measly charity event. He didn't even think it was worth dropping me a quick text to let me know of his plans.

True to her word, there's another knock on my door about twenty minutes later and Jo hustles over to answer it. I hear another lady greet Jo but can't see her as a large rack of formal evening dresses are being pushed through the door. With Jo's help and a huge shove from the outside, the rack makes it's way into my living room. A petite woman with a stylish pixie cut who looks close in age to me pops out from behind it and smiles brightly.

"I know, I know! I couldn't help myself when Kian called. It looks like a lot but I wanted to bring you different styles because I've never worked with you before. I promise it won't ever be this many again." She flits around the dresses, already unzipping the garment bags and revealing stunning gowns in all colours and styles.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now