Chapter Six

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Having to stand in front of Diana like this was strange. Evelyn knew she'd be out there. The Daily Falls had sent her, hoping she'd be able to get an 'insider's scoop'. They were gathered at City Hall in a conference room the city used for any and everything. The locals used it for baby showers and weddings. Sometimes it was even a gym for the local schools and daycares. Now it was ready for the press conference. Someone had brought out the small stage and set it up with the podium. Evelyn was certain it was the same one they used when she was young. They had placed flags all around and then filled the room with black folding chairs. Jane could be seen near the side of the room where there was coffee and bottled water.

Floyd led James and Evelyn out, followed by the assigned FBI agents, Barley and Jones. They were all dressed in their best, their gear tucked away, and their shoes polished to a mirror shine. The state police were already near the podium, flanking it like soldiers at the ready. They were also dressed in their best and appeared to be at parade rest. Evelyn admired their ability to manipulate their facial expressions into stone.

The room wasn't as full as Evelyn had thought it would be. Garret Falls was a small town, but she had expected more attention from the surrounding counties. Around fifteen reporters sat before them, listening to the mayor speak. Behind them were between fifteen and twenty civilians. They were mostly older men with their wives. These were the sort that would show up to town hall meetings as well. A few more people lurked in the back, almost out of sight. Evelyn assumed they were friends of Jason Newton's, possibly clients. They were likely expecting mention of a drug bust.

"And here to help answer your questions is Police Chief Floyd Richards and his team of experts." The flashes of fifteen cameras went off, clicking and whirring.

Evelyn just suppressed a grimace and got her facial expressions under control. She thought 'experts' was going a bit far. She knew it brought comfort to those watching and listening, but it didn't fit. They were just the police, doing the best job they could. The FBI were the experts.

Without being too obvious, Evelyn searched the crowd for Diana, finding her in an instant. Her wife stood in a red sweater and black slacks, a recorder held high above her head. Evelyn had gotten her that recorder for Christmas the year before. She saw Evelyn watching and gave her a wink before returning her attention to the podium. Floyd stepped up to the dark podium and adjusted the microphone for his larger frame. He cleared his throat. There was a pause, and then,

"Last Tuesday, at approximately four p.m., Garret Falls police officers McCauley and Waters conducted a welfare check on one Jason Newton after noticing the door to his home had been left open. Upon entering the residence, the officers discovered that Mr. Newton was murdered in a manner nearly consistent with the serial killer known as The Garret Falls Vampire."

Evelyn was prepared for the blast of camera flashes this time, and the added shouting. Evelyn searched the crowd for anyone who did not seem surprised. The FBI had said there was a strong chance that the killer would come to the press conference. Floyd gave them a few moments, waiting for the roar to dull a bit before continuing.

"To locate the suspect as quickly as possible, Mayor Greene and myself have asked for help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation." There wasn't such an uproar when he paused this time, so he went on. "Now you may ask questions. Let's try to keep things orderly." He picked out the nearest reporter, allowing her to speak with a hand gesture.

"Do you have any suspects in the case?" She asked, holding her microphone out as far as it would stretch.

"We do not," Floyd replied, "not at this time."

"Any witnesses?"

"None that we are aware of." Floyd replied. "If anyone can recall any suspicious activity in that area - maybe a vehicle on the side of the road, anything at all, please let myself or one of my deputies know." He gestured to Diana.

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