Chapter Eight

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The police cruiser jerked to a stop as Evelyn pulled up and threw it in park. Behind her, Floyd pulled up, lights flashing. Immediately, Evelyn realized where she was. It was the same house from her dream. Once again, the scene was the same. The killer had written 'WHORE' in dark letters across the garage door. The sad blonde woman lay below it, her blood having pooled underneath the family car. Thomas and Tucker held up a haggard looking man in a green bathrobe. He clung to the officers, sobbing and gagging.

"Get those people back!" Floyd barked, pointing at a few adults congregating in a neighbor's yard and heading their way. Tyler set off at a jog, waving them down. Nick walked up to Floyd, his expression more grim than normal.

"I was on my way in." He told him, shaking his head, "lady's name is Anna Webber. That's her husband, George. He found the body this morning on the way to get the paper." Evelyn was listening to Nick, taking it all in, and trying to decide what to do when she saw it.

The front door was opening. A youthful face peered out, eyes wide and frightened, blonde hair sticking out in every direction. Another one stood behind the first. Evelyn watched in horror as one tiny barefoot hit the concrete and she took off at a dead run, giving out a shout.

"No!" She scrambled around the car, sliding in the damp grass and doubling over to catch herself and keep going. Tucker and Nick spun, following her direction. Nick set off right behind her, waving his arm. The kids were making a run for it, headed for the sounds of their father yelling.

"Stop! Stay right there!" Nick shouted. Right as they neared the corner, Evelyn caught up to them, arms wide and scooping both children up. She moved them back around the house and out of sight just in time. The little girl screamed. The little boy twisted and fought against her. Evelyn did not let go.

"Let me go!" He roared, "I want my daddy!"

"Where is my mommy?"

Evelyn didn't answer them at first. Instead, she carried them back into the home. It didn't look much different from her own, neatly kept and gently lived in. There were photos of the woman and her family all over the walls. Fake gourds and strands of brightly colored leaf garland decorated the mantle along with a little sign that proclaimed 'It's Fall, Y'all!'.

"Hey." Evelyn cut the children off, kneeling in front of them. They smelled like Cheeto dust and maple syrup. "Hey my name is Officer Waters, see?" She showed them her badge. "See that? I'm a police officer, yeah? You can call me Evelyn if you like." She looked back at Nick, who stood in the doorway, a white knuckled grip on the frame. "This is Nick. He's a cop too, see?" Nick gestured to his badge.

"Where is my dad?" The little girl asked, "why is he yelling?"

"Your dad is helping us." Evelyn explained. "Do you understand? We need his help really bad. We also need the two of you to stay inside the house. Can you do that for me? This is grown-up police business. Can you stay inside?"

"You're not going to shoot him, are you?" the little boy asked.

"I promise not to shoot your dad." Evelyn replied sincerely. She looked back at Nick. "Can we get a family member or something?"

"On it." He replied, turning away and heading back out the door.

"That's a real gun, huh?" the little boy asked, eyeing Evelyn's waist. His eyes were wide. "You got two guns?"

"This is a gun." Evelyn pointed out her weapon. "I don't use it very much. This is a taser. It shocks people so I don't have to shoot them. See?" she unholstered her taser and gave it a little zap, making both kids jump and giggle.

"What's that, Evelyn?" the little girl asked.

"Pepper spray." Evelyn replied, "it makes your eyes and throat burn really bad. These are my handcuffs, my radio, my baton..."

"Your belt is like batman." the little boy informed her. She noted he had Batman on his pajamas. She hoped they could get past this horrible thing they'd have to face before the day was over.

"Evelyn." Nick was in the doorway. He came in, closing it behind him. "Neighbor's gonna meet us at the back door." They walked through the house, headed for the back door. An elderly woman with shaking hands waited for them there.

"Hello, children!"

"Kids, you're going to go with Mrs. Ross for a little while." Nick told them, "until your dad can come get you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Ross." Evelyn said, "I'll see you kids later. You be good for Mrs. Ross."

"Yes, ma'am!" The kids wandered off toward the back of the property, peppering the older lady with questions. Evelyn moved to the front of the house behind Nick, who stalked off with a stern voice.

"Hey, kid! Get that damn phone out of here now!" Evelyn looked around. Some younger kids and teenagers were trying to film everything on their phones. The parents were talking with their neighbors about safe neighborhoods and moving. It was strange how people would come together to gawk at a tragedy. They gathered around to talk behind their hands in their bathrobes and bunny slippers while a woman was laying in her driveway a few feet away, her insides literally visible.

"What is wrong with these people?" Tucker said nearby, kneeled next to several rolls of crime scene tape. "who wants to see something like this?" Evelyn looked away from him toward the ambulance that had arrived and was treating Mr. Webber. He looked as if all the blood had been drained from his body as well. Tyler was carrying barricades to different places, keeping people back, while ignoring their questions. A dark blue sedan pulled up behind the barricade. It was agents Jones and Barley. They headed straight for Floyd.

"Ma'am?" a woman called out from behind Tyler who was telling her to stay back, "Officer? Ma'am!" Evelyn turned and made eye contact with her as she realized she was looking for her attention.

"Yes." Evelyn said, "what can I help you with?"

"You were with the Chief right?" She asked. "On the television?"

"That's right."

"I have security cameras." She said. Evelyn's eyes widened. Tyler's head snapped up. The woman adjusted her robe closer to her body as she looked around. The cool morning breeze whipped her hair around her face. "I have them, and so do a few others."

"There's McCauley." Tyler said, drawing Evelyn's attention. James was running down the sidewalk, his hair a mess, buttoning his shirt as he ran. Evelyn watched him slide through the barricade and looked at Tyler in confusion. "He lives over there." Tyler explained, gesturing with a nod of his head. Evelyn looked and could see James' cruiser parked in his driveway. She returned her attention to the pale woman before her.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Harriet Myers. I live in that house, just there. The one with all the mums." Evelyn followed her pointed finger, searching for it.

"Got it." Evelyn replied, "we will be right over, don't do anything until we get there."

"Don't worry," Harriet replied, shivering, "I don't want to see what happened."

"That's probably for the best." Evelyn replied, turning and seeking out James before jogging over. He was talking to Floyd and the agents.


" my own front yard!" He looked over, "- yeah? What's up?"

"Help me figure out how many security cameras can see this area." Evelyn said, "Ms. Myers says she has one, she just volunteered it." James turned, examining all the houses. He pointed at one where a camera was visible.

"Alright, let's split up." He said, "see what we can find."

"Good work, Evelyn." Floyd said, looking around. "Let's see if we can't get a look at this sick fuck."

Devil in the DetailsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora