Meeting him

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Today was my first day meeting the team.

Aliyah ya despierta, nos vas a hacer tarde, my dad said while shaking me to wake up. okay pa let me get dressed, I said while stretching.

I was getting ready and I decided to wear a Mexico jersey with my last name on the back and some jeans. I did my make up just something simple. I straightened my hair and put on some air forces.

Aliyah Estás lista para que ya nos vamos, my dad yelled from downstairs. Ay voy let me just get my phone , I said while getting my phone and AirPods.

After 15 minutes we arrived at the stadium I was excited to meet the team and maybe even find a boyfriend who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️.

We got out of the car and walked towards the door,
I was nervous to meet them but I just took a deep breath and calmed down.

We walked down the hallway and enter the lounge room where the whole team was.
" Hola, les quiero presentarte a mi hija aliyah" my dad said.

The whole team just stared at you.
Until a man older than you approached you

Hola mi nombre es memo Ochoa, he says while shaking my hand.

all the players surround me and started to say hi while shaking my hand. 

After 5 minutes the whole team went outside to the field so they could practice.

Aliyah can you go fill up the water bottles por fa said my dad while handing me the bottles.

I grab the bottles and went inside. It was a big stadium so I didn't really know where everything was even though I would go there as a kid but they changed everything so I were lost.

I walked around for a solid 15 minutes until I finally found the water fountain I placed down the water bottles and filled them one by one.

I heard the door open. Hello anybody there? ,I said
I thought it was my dad or one the team members. I heard no response so I grabbed all the bottles and started walking until I bumped into someone which made me drop the water bottles and spill them.

I'm so sorry I didn't see you there here let me help you, he said. It wasn't my dad or memo but it was guy around my age he looked a year older than me .

it's okay you don't have to help me, I replied, no I insist I made you drop the bottles and spill them, he said while smiling at me.

OMG HES SO FINEEEE,  I thought to myself .

We walked to the water fountain and he helped me fill up the water bottles like he said.
I didn't even get to introduce myself my name is  Kevin Alvarez and you are? He asked.

Aliyah Andrés im the coaches daughter, I said while smiling at him.

Oh wow coach never said he had such a gorgeous daughter, he  said with a big smile on his face.

I swear this man is gonna be the death of me,I thought.

Oh thank you, I said while blushing I mean who wouldn't you blush if Kevin said that to you.

por que se está tardando aliyah?, my dad asked the team.she's probably making out with Kevin in the locker rooms, chucky said while laughing.

no mames chucky she probably got lost, Memo said.

meanwhile I was having a great time with Kevin he was complementing me the whole time and making me smile or laugh.

after 30 minutes we went back to the field with the whole team and everyone was staring at me and Kevin and saying, Mira los amantes.

Por qué tardasteis tanto were you guys kissing or what? , chucky teased us. Me and Kevin just started blushing and said that he bumped into me and he was helping me fill up the water bottles and nothing more.

it was getting late and everyone was leaving me and my dad locked up the stadium and left until I
heard someone calling my name, aliyah, aliyah, espera can I get your number by any chance, Kevin said sounding nervous.

Uh sure why not, I said smiling at him I could tell he was happy he got my number because he was smiling like crazy.


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