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Kevin's pov
I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
"Fuck it's 3:30" I muttered
I turned around and saw y/n sleeping.
"Gosh she's so pretty," I thought
I kissed her forehead and she smiled.
"Your so pretty mi Amor," I said
"Thank you," she said
"I have to go," I said
"Why?" She said
"My photo shoot remember," I said
"oh yeah," she said
"wanna go with me?" I asked
"yes of course," she said
"ok we'll get dressed," I said

I got up and went to the bathroom.
I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.
Once I got out I saw y/n making the bed.
I was only in my towel.
I went up to her and kissed her.
Y/n's pov
I woke up to the sound of Kevin's alarm but I didn't say anything.
He kissed my forehead and I smiled.
"Your so pretty mi Amor," he said
"Thank you," you  said
"I have to go," he said
"Why?" You said
"My photo shoot remember," he said
"oh yeah," you  said
"wanna go with me?" He asked
"yes of course," you  said
"ok we'll get dressed," he said
He get up and went into the bathroom.
You got up and made the bed.
"It's almost time I need to change," you said
"ok I'll be downstairs making breakfast," he said
You went to the bathroom and took a shower it was 3:40 so you took a quick shower.
You brushed your teeth, did your hair and makeup, and got dressed.
You went downstairs and ate quickly.
"Ya son las 3:49," you said
"ok ok let's go," he said
You locked the door and got inside the car.
Kevin still opened the door for you even if you were running late he would still open it for you.
It was a 2 hour so you brought your AirPods to listen to music.
You put on your AirPods and "Hasta la Muerte" was playing.
Kevin's pov
I saw that y/n had her AirPods in.
"I'm gonna marry you one day" I shouted
I knew she couldn't hear me so I could say whatever I wanted.
"your all mine" I shouted
"Eres muy Chula," I said
Y/n's pov
I saw that Kevin was gonna say something so I put down my volume.
"I'm gonna marry you one day" he shouted
"Your all mine," he said
"Eres muy Chula," Kevin said
When he said all of that it made you smile.
Once you guys got there you saw a whole bunch of paparazzi and fans screaming.
You guys got out of the car and tried to run inside.
They said yelling.
Once you guys finished taking pictures and signing things you made it inside.
You saw your dad and ran up to him.
"HII pa I missed you," you said
"Hi, Mija how has your trip been?" He asked
"It's been ok me and Kevin just haven't gotten to go to the places yet," you said
You felt a hand on your waist.
"Wtf Diego get your hands off my girl" Kevin yelled
"Woah Woah, relájate, güey," Diego said
You turned around and saw Kevin ready to punch Diego.
"Kevin relájate," you said
You grabbed him by the ear and took him into the room.
"Kevin relájate he didn't do anything to me," you said
"Qué Quieres decir con Que no te hizo nada?" He said
"Puso su mano en tu cintura y Quieres decir que no te hizo nada," he said
" No Quiero Que te aleje de mí," he said
You could see tears form in Kevin's eyes.
"Amor, nadie me va alejar de ti," you said
Memo came and opened the door.
"Chicos ya casi es hora de la sesión de Fotos," he said
"ok thanks memo," you said
You left the room leaving Kevin and memo alone.
Kevin's pov
"Así Que Quiero Habla de lo que pasó con Diego, memo said
" Ibas a darle un puñetazo no?" Memo said
"no, Por qué dirías eso?" I said
"Porque te vi listo para darle un puñetazo" memo said
"Bueno, tal vez iba a darle un puñetazo, solo soy sobreprotector de y/n," I said
"Lo Puedo Mira, pero necesitas relajarte, güey, y/n Puede protegerte. Yo Estado allí Desde que tenía 5 años, es una luchadora"memo said
"Vamos a salir, la sesión de fotos está empezando"memo said
Y/n's pov
Diego came up to you.
"Y/n im sorry for doing that" he said
"yeah yeah it's fine"you said
You walked towards the photo room and saw the team taking their photos.
Finally it was Kevin's turn.
Man did he look fine.
"Damn Kevin que chulo" you said
" Consigue una habitación" memo shouted
You all laughed
Kevin just started blushing.
Once Kevin was finished taking photos it was Diego's turn.
"boo lainez fuera, fuera"memo said
Once Diego finished he went up to Kevin.
"Hola Kevin, lo siento por hacer eso por ponerme mi mano en la cintura de y/n,me perdonarás?" Diego said
Kevin's pov
me and memo walked into the room where the photo shoot was happening.
It was finally my turn.
"Damn Kevin que chulo" y/n said
" Consigue una habitación" memo shouted
They all laughed
I started to blush.
Once I was finished taking photos it was Diego's turn.
"boo lainez fuera, fuera"memo said
Diego came up to me.
He pulled me aside
"Hola Kevin, lo siento por hacer eso por ponerme mi mano en la cintura de y/n,me perdonarás?" He said
" güey, estás bromeando,verdad?" I said
"No, lo digo en serio"he said
"Mira, entiendo que te disculpes, pero ¿por qué hiciste eso en primer lugar? Sabes que estamos, juntos verdad?" I said
"Yeah i know you guys are together but I'm sorry for doing that" he said
"yk what te perdonaré esta vez, pero la próxima vez que eso suceda te voy a dar unos Puñetazos" I said
As I said that I pushed him and went back inside.
"What was that all about"y/n asked
"Nothing don't worry chula" I said
I gave her a kiss and the whole team started to say
"OOOOOO los amantes" they said
"Sois celosos, especialmente Chucky he can't pull nobody" I said
"Cállate güey plus im going on a date" he said
Third person pov
After that all happened y/n and Kevin went back to the house and they got ready to go to dinner at a restaurant.


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