Chapter 24

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It's been two months since I went on my god fruit shopping spree. After I came home I slipped the Bloodline Inheritance: Dragon serum into her tea. For some reason, horns started to grow from the top of head, also her hair turned silver with black highlights(look at above picture for reference). An I guess the serum caused her great pain, because started screaming an roaring like a dragon. I started worrying that the serum was to much for her, so I started to use Purification Release Shinjustsu: legendary purifying palm to heal her finally she stopped screaming an fainted, when I realized  she was stable I transported her to our bed.

Afterwards I  established the hospital, in a area where it can slowly be remolded at add different departments. I got students who graduated an who is graduating in the next 2 years who were looking for a career path instead of farming, Merchant, anbu, Poilce branch. So I gave them a course on medical Justsu, basically its an 2 year course learning medical-justus, such as  an improved version of mystical palm technique called the lazarus palm. I also taught the Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique which can be done using one person, also the poison mist Justus, Body Pathway disarrangement, chakra scalpels, Dead soul technique, cell activation technique, Yin Healing Wound Destruction,Delicate Illness Extraction Technique. I made another Medical Justsu called poison palm Technique. After six months I did exam, told everyone whoever gets first place in the exam will get a gift from me.

I gave my students two weeks to prepare, because first their the written then the physical test. I told the anbu to raid bandits strongholds, an bring back thirty-five severely wounded  but alive bandits. One the anbu brought all thirty-five bodies, one for each student, I started the test. At the end of the test I scored all the test and top performer was a boy called Joben, who scored with an 96%. I place my hand over his head, and gifted him with the Purification Release. An gave him the last name, Chiba.

A month later my wife gave me some great news... she's pregnant, so I spent the rest of the nine months staying in the valley. I sent the scrolls I made so far that are personally only for Otsutsuki eyes only into a specific area of the library that can only be reached through a blood seal. Furthermore, my shadow clone did come back from the one piece world with all the devil fruits added to the bloodline tree. I was almost complete with a weapon I've been trying to use for the longest, after working for long hours for weeks finally its done.

Two weeks later I went to a training ground deep in the forest with monkey and a Ape I capture, I was waiting for Sun(see chapter 21 & 22). He was wondering why am I sitting down in mediative stance with monkey and an Ape tied up in chains. When I didn't reply to him he kept asking questions, For the past month I have been working on my anger since I'm about to become a father, so instead of hurting him I decide to seal his mouth. I told him to sit down an get in a mediative position and close his eye's, I started the bloodline ritual, I added gomu gomu no mi, bara bara no mi, bijo bijo no mi, moku moku no mi, gas release to his bloodline line. since moku moku no mi an gas release is the same, I made moku moku no mi is cloud that he cause as a mount whenever activated. I slowly added the ape an the monkey into his DNA, making him half monkey, half human, I even added shape-shifting bloodline, and using just a strand of hair he can make a clone. I even gave him Dōjustsu called crimson heavenly eye(Shinku no tengan), which detects evil intentions & evil people. Since I made such OP Character, I gave his bloodline a disadvantage of having Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and I made sure when reproducing their only able to have one male, per family.

Once I was done with the procedure he was freaking out do to having fur & a tail. After a few minutes he started asking questions about his new powers, I got so tired I decided to shut him up again. I put a focusing seal on top of his head negate the effects of hisAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder so I can explain to him his situation. I started explaining about his new powers, an his new name Sun Wukong, fortunately he liked it. I gave him 5 longevity pills with subservient seals on them. I even gave him a technique called Hair needle senbon and his new weapon the Ruyi Jingu Bang (money king's staff) , an I told him his new home is a house in the jungle, where all the apes live. I told him his first task is he must get the apes to be subservient to him.

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