Chapter 9: "Discretion is the better part of valor"

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Ivory above

Terry POV

Ivory was complaining at the beginning when I told her that first she would learn how to fight in her human form and went on me with all her werewolf attitude. I would say it was typical, werewolves have a general tendency to put too much faith in their wolf form. According to me, it's a very bad idea, many confrontations especially with hunters and rogues happen in the middle of human territory which effectively makes shifting not possible.

That was the strategy I usually used when I was hunting the rogues. I used to make the first attempt on their life in a crowded area, which forced them to instantly flee into the nearest secluded place, where other hunters were already waiting. And as a human, I always had bigger chances with werewolves in human form, even though I know how to kill a shifted werewolf and I was and probably still am very good at it.

I explain my reasoning to Ivory without details, she shouldn't know why I have this kind of knowledge. We were training every day during the last weeks in the basement of the bar and she is very dedicated to her job. Pearl usually sits with Doggy's head on her lap and watches us.

So today I decided to take both of them into the woods, they haven't shifted in a while and I know it's not good for them. I made sure we were not seen in our hometown and took them quite far away to make sure we will be far away enough from any pack. It was actually the first time I was able to have a proper look at their wolves and I must admit I'm astonished.

Ivory is very big and brown, her pelt seemed to shine pure gold in a sun, there is lots of dignity in her stance, she is a high-rank wolf that is for sure. Pearl is snow white like I heard most of the omegas. Although I don't know much about omegas besides them being the weakest. They rarely become rogues or take part in a direct fight with anybody, they also rarely leave the pack's territory, simply because that way they are safe.

Pearl wanted to play in her wolf form and both Ivory and I played with her. It made me remember the moments when I had been playing as a child with dog pups, long before we started being trained to be merciless killers.

Doggy was the most confused. I didn't want to take him with us but Pearl was begging so much that I gave in. The poor animal didn't know what to do. First, he was trained to kill so when the girls shifted he was ready to attack instantly and yet I didn't allow him. Second, werewolves usually attacked him back or ran away from him, this was the first time a wolf was showing him no hostility and was actually encouraging him in mutual play. Pearl's wolf was dead set on that, poor Doggy was very confused. This afternoon was actually the first time I've seen Ivory smiling, and it really means a lot.

During our ride home, I suggested shopping, the girls are only wearing one set of clothes Aunty Mae bought for them and if they are to stay for three months they will need many things. I am not a big fan of malls but I had no idea that teenage girls in shops are in fact, little devils. Pearl is all over the moon with everything she can touch or pick, I literally run after her all the time and Ivory has turned out not to be any better. The moment Pearl comes to with another jumper she wants I spot a couple of men eyeing us from the corner of the shop. And I know that there is a high chance their rogues.

Girls didn't get scent suppressants today, because we are far away from packs, and the pills are not easy to obtain even for Aunty Mae so I decided we need to save it as much as possible. Fuck, I should be cleverer than that. Among the rogues, females are rare, they are usually males and usually, they spend years not seeing a female of their kind. Fuck, how I could be so stupid!

"Girls, we are going back now," I say and they both seem to understand immediately that something is wrong.

The moment we enter the car, Doggy starts growling and I see them on the other side of the street. I know that predatory look, I know that they simply don't leave us alone. as I start my car and drive in the direction of our home but I know that they are following us, and I have to make sure that we will be able to get rid of them before we reach our hometown. Pearl is oblivious to the situation but Ivory watches me very carefully knowing that something isn't right, smart girl. But I know also what I'm doing when I chose not so often used road and stop my car on the wayside:

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