Chapter 10: " If you want peace, prepare for war"

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Chen, Beta of Howl Pack

Julius POV

I always know the situation is serious when Natasha doesn't do the meeting on the porch but demands for all of us to sit in the packhouse library, not in the Alpha's study, which we don't have. I think in an original project of the packhouse the study was supposed to happen but didn't. I think Natasha made there her private gym. She likes her porch, she always deals with everything from her porch, unless the situation is serious, or more likely demands discretion.

That's why we are all here in the library, we mean my uncle, Chen, Natasha and Alyssa, the pack doctor, and me along with the Head Tracker, and Chen is the one speaking:

"All the dead rogues come from the direction of the west, trackers and I checked and it looks like they were following someone but then they were lured into the trap. They tracked their target to the clearing when the shooter was already waiting. He knew what he was doing and was good in it, two of the rogues died during the run so..." he lets his words sink in us "Based on the traces they were chasing two werewolves but no more bodies were found, and we lost the trace, but Head Tracker is sure that one of them is an omega. And two cars. It happened not so close to our territory. We only manage to find them because Julius likes walking such big distances in his wolf form."

"They all but two died from bullets, silver bullets no less no more." Alyssa starts "One was shot but killed because of a knife in his throat, and one only because of the knife, but by the state of his teeth I'm sure he at least got a bite of their killer or killers. A clean kill, all of them, the shooter was very accurate."

"Alright," Natasha says "Have you checked the bullets?"

My uncle nods and says:

"We have them in our records, Nightingale clan"

I gulp, Nightingales were wiped out 10 years ago, they were the most vicious hunter clan that has ever existed. The blood they spilled could fill a lake I am sure of it. And now this!

"I think we can safely presume that it's the same person with our guards, especially that once again an omega is involved," Chen says and Natasha stands up from her place obviously irked.

"What in this story actually makes sense? Omegas are rarely rogues, or more likely never. Why would a hunter from the Nightingale clan appear so suddenly, and why would he kill the rogues but not our guards? And for Goddess's sake, what possibly can a hunter and omega be doing together? What the fuck makes any sense here!"

For a long moment, there is silence because our Alpha is right, nothing in this story makes any sense.

"For now we will maintain additional patrols, but strengthen each unit. Better safe than sorry, pack members are forbidden for leaving Howl's territory alone, always at least two," Natasha says sternly, and we all nods.

The meeting is over.

I move my wheelchair into the dining room where Danny is working on his wall painting. For now, he is only sketching, after all, he has worked on it since yesterday, but he looks so happy and calm during his work. So beautiful... Fuck, I should stop, he is happily mated to my cousin and I don't have any feelings and I will never have, that part of me is dead since so long ago.

"Hey Julius, have you finished your important talking?" he asks noticing me.

"Yes, but without any good conclusion."

"Are there any problems in a pack?" He asks looking at me with these beautiful eyes.

"Not yet but recently some strange things are happening, don't worry you are safe," I blink at him and he smiles.

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