Chapter 8

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"Come in, Sweetheart," Natalie says warmly.

My eyes fly back and forth between Tris and Natalie. I can't believe that Tris, my Tris, is my childhood playmate.

"Bea?" I finally manage.

Tris nods. "I didn't know until about two months ago," she says. "I was young when we left Baltimore. I've thought you were familiar since I started working for you, but I didn't know why until I saw some old pictures. I asked my mom what became of Marcus' son that I played with when I was seven. She told me about your boxing career and disappearance, then I started digging online.

"I… I found some of your fights online, starting with the last one, and I knew right away that it was you. I've watched every one of them. I've read every article about Tobias Eaton and Thomas Easton. I'm so proud of you, Tobias, and I've wanted to tell you, but it was never the right time.

"When Eric had his… accident, I couldn't keep quiet. He was beyond devastated, and I thought he was going to do something terrible, like give up on sobriety, or even take his own life."

"Wait," I interrupt. "You knew Eric before all this? And you told him about me?"

Tris' eyes are big and fearful, but she swallows hard and nods.

"Beatrice and Eric dated in college," Natalie says gently as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"You…" I stammer as realization dawns. "You're the one he told me about. And he's the one who cheated on you."

Tris nods sadly. "I went to Ohio State, and met Eric freshman year. He was sweet at first, and a lot of fun. But he became a partier, and when I didn't keep up, he chose to cheat rather than end our broken relationship. He was a football star, NFL prospect, and a big deal. I was the one wronged, but he was the one everyone knew and loved. It was junior year when he dumped me, and finishing that semester was the worst time in my life. I decided to come home and finish my degree at Northwestern."

"Shit, Tris, I'm so sorry," I say. "I kind of want to hit him now."

Tris shrugs at me. "Don't bother," she says. "He's a different person now. We're friends, and I've found healing."

"He's still in love with you," I blurt out before I can stop myself.

Tris shakes her head. "He thinks he is, but we're genuinely not compatible. I'm familiar and comfortable for him, and he needs that right now. Before Al died we were happy as friends, and we'll get back there again. He carries a lot of guilt, you know?"

I nod vigorously. "I definitely know," I say.

"Not just about Al," Tris explains, "but about his life before rehab. He got out of control and became a bad guy. He changed though, and was finally starting to believe in himself. Then Al died, and, well, it was back to square one."

"Dad's home," Natalie says excitedly at the sound of the garage door. "He doesn't know who Tris is bringing home to dinner, Tobias. This is going to be fun!"

She rushes off to greet her husband at the other door, and Tris gives me a sheepish look. "Are you mad?" she asks.

I try to put on a stern face, but I can't manage to suppress my grin. "No," I say. "Things have turned out well - for all of us, and tonight I have Andrew, Natalie, and little Bea back in my life."

Lost & FoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora