Chapter 10

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Back at my hotel, my mind races. Tris likes me? Eric is going on a date with my bookkeeper - who he's apparently also sleeping with. Natalie implied that she supported Tris and I getting together, too.

But what if they're wrong? Or what if my baggage is too much for Tris? 

God, I sound like an insecure teenager mooning over my crush. I'm a grown man, a business owner, and a former undefeated prize fighter. I need to grow some balls. But of everything I've been through and everything I've built, this somehow feels bigger. My happiness is at stake. If Tris rejects me, I lose one of my best friends, and probably my amazing assistant, too. But if she accepts, I get everything I ever wanted and have spent the last year secretly dreaming about.


How do I do this? Flowers? Candy? A gift? I think I've lost my mind.

When I met Nita, David introduced us at a charity event. As soon as he walked away, she jutted out her hip, put a hand on my arm, snd said, "We should have dinner sometime," in a flirty voice. All I had to do was say "okay." As lame as it sounds, I've never really pursued a woman I really cared about.

I get to the office before Tris on Monday and decide to get my day started. My home life drama has eaten into my productivity at work lately, and spring will be a busy time here.

I'm up to my eyeballs in lawncare contracts when an instant message from Tris pops up on my screen.

TPrior: (external link)

I click the link, and a cheesy 1980s music video starts playing. "Never gonna give you up," the guy sings.

TEaston: Did you just Rick Roll me?

TPrior: Just wanted to say good morning. You're working so hard I didn't think you saw me come in.

TEaston: (external link)

I hear music from Tris' desk, followed by laughter. Then my phone rings.

"Good morning, Miss Prior," I greet my assistant with false formality.

"Mr. Easton," she replies. "I got your message. You wanted me to call you, maybe?"

I smile at her reference to the cheesy pop song I sent back to her.

"You're a very good assistant, Miss Prior," I say, "very responsive."

"You say 'jump;' I say 'how high?'" she replies, and she sounds kind of breathy.

I swallow hard and look out my office door to where she sits. She looks at me, too, and we smile.

"I'll let you get back to work," I say. She nods, and we both hang up.

I read the same paragraph three times before I realize how distracted I am. Then I get an idea, and send Tris a message with a link to Van Halen's song Jump.

I watch Tris open the link and giggle at the song, then stand up, look around the office, and turn to face me. She gives a little hop while giggling.

Tris isn't well-endowed, but the little bounce I see is enough to make me glad I'm sitting behind a desk.

"How was that?" she asks through the open doorway.

"Beautiful, though next time you should undo a few more buttons first," I reply without thinking.

Oh my god. My mouth is going to get me in so much trouble.

Tris blushes brilliant red, and I feel like an ass as she checks over her shoulder.

"So, like this?" she asks as she quickly pops open two buttons on her blouse and gives another little hop.

The edge of her white lace bra and the swell of her modest breasts bouncing just for me is the hottest thing I've ever seen. I swallow hard, blink, and she's gone, back at her desk like nothing happened. Did I just dream that?

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