Chapter 8: Last Day Of Shool

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Ever since that night, Izuku and Mei have been dating, Izuku continued his vigilante work and work at his job, and Mei helped upgrade his things. The pro heroes have upgraded their plans on overnight watch in the city. The amount of pro heroes has doubled, so there are now 10 pro heroes out. All Might sometimes go out when he is free. Aziawa has been going out and staying out later than usual. So Shinso doesn't get to spend enough time with him which makes him sad, but he understands.

It has been seven months and it is the last day of school. The teacher gave everyone a paper to write down what they want to be when they grow up. The Bakugo twins wanted to become a hero (which isn't surprising), Shinso wanted to be a pro hero, some students wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, and etc. What the teacher noticed is that Izuku didn't write anything down.

The teacher was letting them do whatever they wanted since it is the last day of school. Mei was in the back of the classroom working on a new design for Izuku and Izuku was sleeping on the desk in the back of the classroom. Mei looked up at Izuku, and noticed he was sleeping. She smiled to herself and walked up to Izuku. She sat down next to them and put her hand on his shoulder. Izuku shook from the sudden touch and looked up to see Mei was smiling next to him. "Hey," Izuku said in a raspy voice. "Hey," Mei said while blushing. "What's up?" Izuku asked. "I wanted to show you something I have been working on," Mei replied. Izuku sat up from his seat and let her put the paper on the table. "I was thinking about the situation we are in now. Since the pro heroes have doubled their security system, I need to be able to tell you the information beforehand during your work. So I thought about implanting earpieces into your mask. What do you think?" Mei asked. "I think that will work," Izuku replied. "Great! I will get to work" Mei said happily.

The bell rang and all of the students rushed out. Izuku and Mei were the last ones in the classroom and they were about to walk out when they were stopped by the teacher. Izuku looked back at the teacher. "Can we talk?" The teacher said, Izuku looked at Mei and nodded. "I will see you there," Mei said. Mei walked outside of the classroom, leaving the teacher and Izuku.

Izuku walked to the teacher's desk and asked him what it was. "I noticed that you didn't write anything on your paper as to what you want to be in the future. What's up with that?" The teacher asked. "Sorry, I just don't know what I want to be," Izuku replied. "Do you need help deciding?" The teacher asked. "No, I can manage. Thank you though," Izuku replied. "Okay, have fun on your journey as a highschooler," The teacher said. Izuku nodded and headed out.

Izuku walked outside of the school and heard a girl screaming. Izuku followed the sound and saw the Bakugo twins and two of their friends hovering over her. "Why won't you go on a date with me? Who is this punk that you are dating?" Katsuki yelled. Izuku walked up to Katsuki and pushed her away from her. He tumbled over, but was caught by his friends. "Did you just push my brother?" Katsumi asked. "Yes I did, he is pressuring himself onto a girl," Izuku replied. Izuku turned around and grabbed Mei's wrist and led her the way out. "OI! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, DEKU!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku stopped and turned around to see them standing behind him, getting ready to use their quirks. Izuku let go of Mei's hand and stood in front of her. "Aw, look at that! He is trying to be a hero, knowing he is quirkless," Katsui said. "Yeah," The two classmates said. "Come on guys!" Katsuki said as they all charged at Izuku. Izuku sighed and his eyes turned red. They all noticed his eyes turned red and they soon began to float. "What is this? What are you doing?" Katsumi said. "What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm just a quirless normy. I don't have a quirk, so how could it be me?" Izuku replied. Mei chuckled a little at Izuku's response and smiled. Izuku turned around and grabbed Mei's hand and walked to the workplace; leaving them floating.

They made it to the workshop where Mei started to work on the ear piece. After two hours, she finally finished the earpieces. She went to his suit and put it on while she put it on. Izuku took the mask, took his off, and put the other one on. "Okay, tap the side of your mask and talk," Mei instructed. Izuku tapped the side of his mask and said "I love you." Mei blushed, but it wasn't visible enough. She looked at Izuku and gave him the thumbs up. Izuku took the mask off and left it off. "It seems to work nicely," Izuku said. "It does," Mei said as she waved him over. Izuku walked over to the table and sat on top of it. Mei looked up and showed him her tablet. "I also put a tracking system on your suit so I will know where you are," Mei said. "Ooo~ I didn't know you were the stalker type," Izuku said sarcastically. Mei looked at Izuku with an annoyed look, almost as if she would kill him. Izuku drops a sweat and he giggles shyly. Mei loosened her face and kissed his cheek. Izuku smiled shyly and blushed a little."I also changed your suit a lot. It still has the same designs and everything, but it's way cooler," Mei said. "How?" Izuku asked. Mei walked over to her box and came back with a bracelet. She motioned Izuku to bring his arm over and she put it on. "What does it do?" Izuku asked. "Simple, just turn this ball and your suit will magically appear," Mei said. Izuku looked down at the bracelet and turned the ball on his bracelet and his suit attached to him. "I couldn't install the mask, so you have to put that on yourself," Mei said. "Thanks," Izuku said. "No problem," Mei said.

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