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   This fourth Chosen, Emerson, strode forward. He was of strong build, and tall. His hair was of a wheat color, his eyes were a bright green, and shone with something I hadn't seen in the others. It wasn't smugness, or nervousness. It was of passion and determination,  and… a hint of regret? But the look was gone as quick as it came, to be replaced once again with the fierce determination. I guessed I had merely imagined it. He said the vows without fear and with every bit of passion one could use. He wanted this fiercely,  anyone could tell.
    He took the presented dagger and took his place beside my father. Only one Hunter was left to be chosen now. Excitement and anticipation filled me. I still had no idea why. I wouldn't know the next man chosen. I would probably only see him a few mere times in my life. Why did it matter?
    "Freedom is desired by all. And to a Hunter it is given, but with rules. One must be noble, independent, and strong-willed." The Selector stated. I felt these words to be true within every fiber of myself. The words resonated deep into my soul and I took them to heart.
     "A Hunter must cast tradition aside for the will of their King and his people. Just as an unchosen tradition will be broken this day. Layra is Presented!" I gasped. So did everyone around me. It was the first time anyone had not used my title beside my father, but that was not why they gasped. Some probably didn't know my first name, but my name was a girl name. I was a woman. I was a Royal. And I was Chosen. And at once I realized this was the answer I had never thought of.
  Freedom from marriage
  Free will
  The chance to explore without an army of warriors about me.
  But as I walked around the throne to stand in front of my father, I knew he wouldn't let this happen. His eyes said it all. They burned with hatred and fury, as I had done this. All my previous thoughts about the Choosing being planned were banished. No, this was something else. This was someone else. I sent up a prayer of thanks, even though I knew this would end before it started.
   I dropped to one knee. He may try and say I could not do this, but I would make it as difficult as possible. I would take those vows. I would play the part. It would look all the worse on him if he didn't.
   "The Hunters are chosen for the people. Let them approve of the choice!" The King shouted out. So he was going to use this tradition against me. I knew by the gasps earlier that no one wanted a female Hunter.
   "If you disapprove of the female Chosen, let your voice be heard!"
    And they did. There were many boo's of disapproval and many shouts. The joy in his eyes at this angered me. The one hope I had of freedom, he was going to crush it. And he could. Who would stop him? He was the King.
   "Are there any that approve of this Chosen?" He sneered. And all I could do was sit there. But then a cheer rose up from the crowd. And another. And another. Over and over until more than half of the people present were cheering. As I turned my head from my father to witness this, I saw women. Many of us, all making their way to the front of the crowd and cheering as loud as possible. Men joined in beside them until my name was chanted so loud, no one could say I was not approved. The feeling of gratitude was overwhelming.  Most of them didn't even know the weight of the gift they had given me. They had given me freedom, and a chance. The hatred and fury had returned to his eyes when I turned my head back to him. Now he had no choice. And he knew it.
  "Do you, Layra, vow pure loyalty, honesty, and faithfulness to your King?"
"I do, your Highness." I replied, my voice sweet and true, in contrast to his sneering hatred.
   "Do you pledge to do the bidding of your sovereign? To never falter? To obey, always? And to protect mine life as if it was your own?"
    "I do, your Highness"
    "Do you accept the apprenticeship that will form you into one of my deadliest servants?"
     "I do, your Highness."
  "Then rise, my Hunter, and accept your station beside me." I rose and took my place as the fifth of the Chosen. I would rise to the position my people had gifted me with. They would not be disappointed.  And I would show my father. I could be a servant.  I would be a servant,  one of the deadliest this kingdom had known.

The Rogue Princess: The King's Hunter (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now