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"Hatter's making sure he keeps control of the militant corps," Chishiya said, "But it's only a matter of time before they retaliate. And if that happens, this place will be run by a bunch of brainless idiots with guns. Then it's cut and run."

"What are you planning?" Arisu asked.

"I'm planning to steal all the playing cards. Bail off the Beach."

Usagi, Arisu and Hana made their way to where the executives were having a meeting

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Usagi, Arisu and Hana made their way to where the executives were having a meeting. They were stopped from entering by Niragi. "What the hell do you three want?" He asked, "No one asked you to come here!"

"Actually, I'm the one who asked them," Chishiya said.

"Yeah? Who says you can summon people now?"

"There's something important they have to hear. Let's go in."

Arisu and Hana said bye to Usagi before following Chishiya in. "What's going on?" Hana asked.

"No idea, but it has to be something pretty serious."

They walked into the room, and Hatter lay on the table. He was dead. Hana had to bite her tongue to stop herself from swearing.

"Apparently, he couldn't clear the game," Tatta said, "The maintenance team just happened to find him in Shinjuku while we were filling up on gas."

Ann walked over to him. "Hey, do me a favour and keep your hands off him," Niragi said, "You're obsessed with dissecting things."

"This is from a bullet," Ann said, "Did the game he was playing involve guns?"

"Seems like it," Tatta said, "Apparently, people around the game area heard gunshots."

"Holy shit!" Niragi said, "Looks like he should've brought the militant corps along with him."

"So now what?" Someone asked, "What happens to the Beach?"

"Nobody says a word about this," Mira said, "Understand? We don't want people freaking out."

"I'll step in as leader since I'm Number Two," Kuzuryu said.

"Wait a second," Niragi said, "Shouldn't the strongest person be the leader? In case you didn't know, we're the ones who have been getting rid of the traitors, but we've been thrown into the shadows the whole time. This bullshit ends now, you got that?"

"I'd Number One dies, everyone moved up by a number. We all know that."

"Yeah, well, this elitist dictator is dead. The power has shifted, hasn't it? Let's just be democratic and go with the majority. Who's with me and thinks that Aguni should be our new leader?" No one raised their hand. "Are you all serious right now? Last Boss." Last Boss took out his sword and pointed it at Ann's neck. Hana held her breath as hard as she could, but let out a a slight laugh at the name. "Something funny?" Niragi asked.

"Last Boss? Dumb ass name, if you ask me," Hana said. Niragi walked over to Hana, pointing his gun at her. "Do it. I could take you out with my pinkie finger."

"She could," Aguni said. Chishiya smiled slightly as Niragi put the gun back on his shoulder and walked back over to his spot next to Mira.

"I'll ask again. Who thinks Aguni should be leader?" Niragi asked. Ann raised her hand.

"This... is not s democracy," Mira said.

Niragi scoffed: "But I think it is, isn't it? You can vote however you want, right?" He held the gun towards Mira, who slowly raised her hand. "And how about the former Number Two over there? What do you think?" Kuzuryu raised his hand, and, slowly, so did the others, excluding Chishiya. "And what abiht you?" Niragi pointed the gun at him. "Chishiya, you're not looking down on us, are you?"

"You morons in the corps?" Chishiya asked.

Niragi stepped closer, holding the gun under Chishiya's chin. "Those eyes of yours piss me off sometimes, you know that? You really think you're better than us, don't you?"

Chishiya put his hands up. "I vote for Aguni to be the leader. I'm pretty sure that's what you want to hear, isn't it?"

"We'll, let this be a reminder of how you should act in the future. And you?" Niragi turned to Hana. She scoffed. He pressed the gun against her forehead. "For a second there, I think I saw Chishiya's demeanour drop! The thought of you being shot scares him. You don't wanna be scary, do you?"

"You think I'm scared of you killing me? I could take you."

"Oh, I wish you would, but now's not the time for dirty talk," Niragi winked. Of course, that's not what Hana meant by taking him, but she didn't say anything. He pressed the gun harder against her head. "Go on." Hana rolled her eyes, but raised her hand anyway. "There we go. Hey, why are you looking so freaked out?" He looked at Arisu, "I thought I told you to give me an answer there. Whose side are you on, anyway? Just about shit your pants there, huh? Look at his face! All right." Arisu raised his hand, and everyone else did as Niragi walked past them. "Looks like we have a unanimous decision. So, we've got a new leader, right?"

"Hatter would not allow this," Mira said, "If he were alive, he would not have allowed this."

"But he's not alive, is he?" Niragi whacked Hatter in the head with the end of his gun. "The dead really have no say as to what's going on. Watch." Niragi continued hitting him.

"That's enough," Aguni said, "From this day onwards, I will be the Beach's new king."

"Yeah, let's hear it for our king, huh? Okay, boss. Time for the succession ceremony, right? Maybe you should open up the black envelope."

"First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite

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"First, Arisu will infiltrate the royal suite. Then he'll search for the safe and steal all the playing cards inside," Chishiya said.

"And how do I get the code?" Arisu asked.

"Don't worry about that. I'll let you know when you're in front of the safe," Chishiya said, handing Arisu a walkie talkie.

"I sure hope you're right. I'm on it."

"Usagi and Kuina will be on the lookout."

"This is too dangerous," Usagi said, "They'll kill us if they see us."

"I don't think we have any other choice," Arisu said, "Now that Hatter's dead, the unity of the Beach is wavering. I think this plan could work for us."

"Where will I be? Shouldn't I be with Usagi and Kuina?"

"You'll be with me," Chishiya said.

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