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"Is everyone okay?" Chishiya asked, after Hana had told him about their plan.

"Don't ask me that," Hana said, "I don't know. I froze. They all fought, and I froze, until the end."

"And in the end?"

"I attacked him. He stabbed me in the shoulder, but that's it. Everyone else... everyone else fought more than me, fought harder."

"But you were the one who got him into that drug store, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Just a hunch. You talk down on yourself too much, you know? You act as if you did nothing. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have ended up in that drug store, and your plan wouldn't have worked."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. Why is it that you barely believe in yourself?"

"Long story."

"I have all day to listen to your story."

"My parents were assholes. I think you could've figured that out already. I was one of the lucky ones, actually. I have three siblings, all older than me. My parents beat the shit out of them, like, constantly. They never did that to me. They'd always tell me I wasn't good enough. They'd forced me into doing chores, and joining clubs that I didn't want to, but I don't think it was that stuff that gave me trauma and made me hate them so much. I think what made me hate them was seeing the way they treated my siblings. I remember one time, my dad was beating my brother because I'd completed one of his chores, thinking it was mine. Even after I explained my mistake, my dad was still angry with my brother, calling him lazy and shit. My brother and I had a good relationship before that. That kind of ruined it. I don't have much of a relationship with any of them, now. They all moved out as soon as they turned eighteen. My sister moved to Kyoto, and both of my brothers moved to the US. My sister doesn't talk to me ever, and my brothers only ever call on holidays or birthdays. I guess I kind of disappointed them. I was twenty-one, still living with and kissing up to my parents. I was moving out the day I ended up here. Maybe if I would have stayed in our world long enough, my siblings would come back to me. Maybe they'd be proud that I finally had the courage to move out."

"There's one last game, you'll see them again. Imagine how proud they'll be knowing you survived this?"

"Do you think the people in our world will believe us when we tell them what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, doesn't it all sound a little crazy? I hate to say it, Shiya, but if I'd stayed in the normal world, and someone came over and explained this place to me, I'd think they'd gone insane."

"Maybe they don't need to believe us. Maybe we just need to believe each other. Promise me that, if we go back to our world, you'll find me?"

"I'll do everything in my power to meet you again."

Chishiya wrapped his arms around Hana's waist, pulling her into him. She hugged him back, and they stayed like that. Hana watched the blimp. It didn't seem to be going down any time soon.

"Do you think they'll make it?" Hana asked.

"It's Arisu," Chishiya said, "He wouldn't not make it."

Hana eventually fell asleep. She hadn't wanted to. She'd wanted to stay awake with Chishiya, and watch as the blimp went down, but she fell asleep. She was too tired.

Chishiya didn't fall asleep. He was tired, but he did everything in his power to stay awake. He was afraid that, if he fell asleep, he wouldn't wake back up. He wanted to stay alive. He wanted to see Hana in the real world. It was funny to him, how they didn't know how the other acted outside of this place. He wanted to know how Hana acted when she wasn't in danger, when she was herself, when her guard wasn't up.

He looked down at Hana, noticing a scar just under her lip. She hadn't told him about that. Maybe she hadn't noticed. He grazed his thumb over it. She had a black eye, a fresh scar, and blood dripping from her shoulder. She even somehow had blood on her stomach, where she hadn't been wounded. Somehow, she still managed to look beautiful.

This was the girl that had made him go soft, and he wasn't even made about it. He was so in love with her, it felt surreal. In any normal situation, he wouldn't have fallen this quick. But this wasn't a normal situation.

He never liked being here, in this new world, but she made it that tiny bit better. She was the one good thing to com out of this place, and he would forever be grateful for her. He'd die for her. But, still, he wanted to live for her. The love of his life.

It was dark now. Hana and Niragi both began to wake up, just in time to hear the announcement.

"Congratulations. All of the games have now been cleared."

They all looked up at the Queen of Hearts' blimp, which began to explode. Fireworks flew into the sky. It was so beautiful. Chishiya kissed Hana on the forehead as they watched the fireworks together. It was finally over. Arisu had done it.

"All surviving players will be presented with two choices. Players must now all decide whether to accept permanent residency in this country, or decline it. Once again, players must now decided whether to accept permanent residency, or decline it."

"I want to turn it down, I think," Chishiya said.

"Me too," Hana said, "I decline."

"What are you gonna say?" Chishiya asked Niragi.

"I decline," Niragi said. Hana was shocked with his answer, she expected him to say. Maybe this was the first part of him becoming a better person. Or maybe he just didn't want to die. After all, he'd be treated by doctors in the real world.

"I'll see you soon," Hana said, looking up at Chishiya. She couldn't wait to see him in the real world.

"I'll see you soon. I love you."

idk what i'm gonna do for the next chapter but you guys will probably need some tissues. will they be for happy or sad tears? i am yet to decided.

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