Nightmares (Allen Walker) D. Grey Man

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A/N: Sorry for the late update!
I know I said it's gonna be Genshin Impact but that has to wait... sorry...



The room was quiet.

Almost too quiet. And even then, the silence was deafening.

[Y/N] wasn't fond of the quietness, which is why he was sitting on a bench in front of an old piano. He stared at the black and white keys for a while, contemplating on which song he'd want to play to fill in the silence.

He was so lost in his thought, he hadn't noticed the presence by his side. [Y/N] was jolted out of his thoughts when someone pressed down on of the keys, a sound followed, filling the silence.

[Y/N] raised his head to look at the new person, who stood by him at the piano. It was a boy in his age. He looked strange, with his white hair and violet eyes. An albino, perhaps?

There was a weird scar on the left side of his face, going from his forehead all the way down to his chin. It was pink, and it looked more like a tattoo rather than a scar. Maybe it was enhanced by a tattoo?

It looked good on him.

His face was void of emotions, yet his eyes were gentle and kind somehow, as they stared at his finger, where it was still pressing on one of the keys of the piano.

"May I?"

He looked at [Y/N] sideways, asking for permission... to what exactly, he didn't know. But [Y/N] ended up scooting over, giving him enough space to have a seat along side him on the bench.

The white haired boy took the offer and sat down, brought up his hands towards the piano. [Y/N] Noticed that one of them was gloved. Who on earth would still wear fabric gloves in this day and age? But [Y/N] Wasn't going to comment on that.

The boy took a deep breath, then his fingers started a light melody. He closed his eyes, just enjoying the feel of the keys under his finger pads, and the music they made.

[Y/N] recognized the song the boy was playing, and soon, he joined in, adding his touch to the song. The boy smiled his thanks as he threw another sideways glance at him.

The both of them spent some time just enjoying doing nothing but playing the melody. Neither of them talked, and [Y/N] was content enough to let the music fill the silence.

And when the song came to a finish, both of them stopped at the same time. They exchanged a look, and shared a smile. The white haired boy extended his hand.

"Allen Walker," He'd said, introducing himself.

[Y/N] Put his hand in the boy's and shook it, "[Y/N] [L/N], didn't see you around here before,"

Here, means in the Black Order school. It's a very prestigious and religious school and is funded by the church as well the government. Only a selected few could join the school, mostly if they were recommended by the professors. So seeing a new face around here was rare.

The previously emotionless face lit up with a smile, "Today is my first day," He politely replied, "I was recruited by Professor Cross,"

Professor Marian Cross, a pervert, a womanizer, a drunkard, and a total pain in the ass. He was someone who you'd never like to have as a person. Other than that, he's a good teacher.

But again, a bad person. He was [Y/N]'s least favourite.

The [Hair Colour]ed boy smiled nervously. He doesn't want to have anything to do with that sorry excuse of a man. Everybody on campus has the same opinion.

Male!Reader Inserts (One Shots) [Male X Male]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя