Hero (Kagami Taiga) Kuroku no Basket

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Living together under the same roof was the first thing that Kagami Taiga and [Y/N] did right after graduation from Seirin high school. Back then, [Y/N] was the one who confessed to Kagami first with the help of his best friend, Kuroko Tetsuya. After a while from living together, he proposed to [Y/N] and officially became his fiancée.

The tiger chose to work as a fireman to be able to save many lives of people, or that's what his childhood dream was. To speak frankly, Kagami only wanted to offer a comfortable life to his beloved one. [Y/N] refused the idea that his man is working alone, that's why he decided to work in kindergarten that Kuroko is working in.

But right now? The both of them are having a big fight. The reason for their argument is that Kagami wanted to increase his working hours which results in increase in his monthly income. Obviously, [Y/N] was against it.

"You're already working hard for the most of the day! You don't even have any free time for me!" Said [Y/N], shouting.

"Dammit, [Y/N]! I'm so sick of all of this!" Said the angry tiger, slamming the door closed behind him, leaving the whole place and going for work, trying to calm himself down. Leaving his fiancée inside the empty apartment, with a tear on his face.

Luckily, today was [Y/N]'s day off. He begun doing the daily chores, holding back his tears in attempt to forget what happened this morning. Although it wasn't easy at all.

On the other hand, Kagami was burring himself in work. He is, also, trying to forget the sadness in [Y/N]'s eyes, and his shaking voice. He was on the verge of tears if they were to fight any further than that. He was going to fix everything with [Y/N] once he get home. However, he wasn't aware of what's coming.


Kagami finished his work at 9:30 pm. He was about to head home. But first, he would visit Maji Burger in his way before going back. On his way to the fast food restaurant, He met his lifelong rival, Aomine Daiki, heading to the same destination as the redhead tiger.

"Yo, Bakagami. Finished already?" said the tanned man, who is currently working as a police officer, and living with his boyfriend, Kuroko.

"Yeah, heading home. You too, Ahomine?" Said the tiger.

"Yep, I'm gonna drop in Maji for a while. Pretty sure that Tetsu made some hard boiled eggs again," He said, sighing desperately, making the other man laughing.

As they were walking, they heard the annoying alarm of the fire trucks all around the neighborhood, the two of them saw three to four fire trucks heading to where they're assigned to go to, the ambulances and few of police cars are following them.

"What the hell is going on?!" Wondered the tanned man, looking confused.

"That way.. [Y/N]..." Said Kagami, with frustration started to build up in him, his mind was blank. The only thing he was thinking of is his beloved's safety. 'What if something happens to him?! What if that was going to be the last time I saw him?!' He thought.

He absolutely refused the idea of losing [Y/N] without doing anything to save him. He ran towards the building complex they are living in now as fast as he could, wishing that the fire isn't in their building.

"Oi, Bakagami! Wait a minute!!"

Aomine shouted, trying to stop the idiot who was walking to his death on his own feet. That didn't stop the stubborn tiger though. He wasn't even listening to his rival at all. Aomine sighed and scratched the back of his head. Oh well, he's a fireman after all. He thought, and decided to follow him.

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