14 ~ The Result of Virginity Test

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Disclaimer - The Author does not support any kind of idealogy related to virginity test and anything related to it. But, since the book is historical fiction, I wanted to add a few elements that used to happen in the ancient times. And, one of them was the Virginity. Back then, it did was a big deal.

Nandani POV

I sat on the stool near the water bucket to cleanse my body.

I started rubbing my legs and arms removing the Haldi he applied on my skin. My breathing was fast and heartbeats was wild remembering what just happened a few moments ago.

The haldi was getting off of my skin but the touch he planted all across my arms, my back and my neck.

I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath to stop thinking about him. I had to focus, I had to think right.

Opening my eyes, I stood up to take off my clothes. My menstruation was over now and there was no problem now.

Taking off my clothes and I stepped into the pool to cleanse myself completely. I dipped into the pool and let the cold water pass through my hair, making them wet and remove his bodily cologne off my body.

But, my mind continuously getting back to what happened in the chamber before.

The kiss he planted on my neck and the way he sucked on my skin, him inhaling my smell over the neck.

I mean, it was so intoxicating and captivating that I never felt this before. I always dreamt of him doing that to me but when he actually did it, my brain went insane.

It was so deep, intense and I did not what to say.

I inhaled a deep breath and walked out of the pool when I was done taking bath.

I changed into the fresh pair and walked to my dressing table to dry up my with the cotton cloth. Leaving them to air dry after combing them lightly with fingers, I turned my steps to walk towards the bed.

Laying on the bed, I covered myself with the comforter with a hope of getting asleep.

But, the thoughts were continuously crossing my mind making me feel shivers all across my mind.

The way he kissed my lips was something that I could never forget. I mean till now, I was worried about the wedding and the King but now my source of had shifted to what Rudra did to me.

It was so intense, deadly, I could still feel his touch over my lips and his wife, rough and big hand touching whole of my back. The way he tied my hands and leaned in.

I shut my eyes tightly as the visual of his sharp jawline and neck with Adam's apple sucking on my neck was not letting me fall asleep.

But, in sometime I did fell asleep and woke up when there was loud bang on my door.

"Nandani, open the door,"

It was Ruhani's voice and it was seeming urgent and worried. I immediately stepped down my bed to walk towards the door and opened the door.

She looked worried and panting.

"What happened?"

I asked and she closed the door behind her.

She shot a deadly glare at me and exclaimed.

"You did not tell me. How dare you?"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion not knowing what was she talking about.


I asked and she walked closer to me.

"Your lover, Rudra,"

Rudra-NandaniHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin