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Martha read over the note, again, and again, and again, and again... you get the point.  She had never viewed herself as someone attractive.  Hell, her best friend couldn't even talk to her in public because of how she looked.  Fuck the Heathers.'  But this letter made her feel special.  And the cherry on top: it was from one of the most popular boys in school.  Kurt Kelly, football star.

She glanced at Kurt, and then re-read the note yet again.  It was as if she couldn't fully comprehend it or believe it, even though it was right there in her own hands.  The hunkiest guy in the universe - or at least, Sherwood Ohio - was into her.  

It was during this contemplation over the note, that Heather McNamara noticed that Martha had acknowledged it's existence.  

"Oh my god, here we go," she said, pointing this out to Duke and Veronica.

Martha took another look at the note, then up at Kurt.  She hesitantly rose from her seat, and began to walk towards Kurt's table.  The three girls watched as she gently tapped on Kurt's shoulder, smiled at him, and handed him the paper without saying a word.  He took one glance at it, tossed on the table, threw his head back, and started to laugh his ass off.  He kept laughing and laughing, and eventually, Ram grabbed the note.  He read it over quickly, started laughing, and passed it to the next guy down.

By now, everyone at the table was laughing, and Martha had practically fled the scene.  Well, not just the scene, but the entire lunchroom.  The Heathers' + Veronica started to laugh along as well, knowing what was going on.  Thank god you weren't there, or else you may have just decided to face the consequences and slapped them all in the face.

The three of them rose from their seats and decided to make a quick trip to the bathroom to discuss their latest success.  Once in the ladies room, McNamara and Veronica started to re-apply some makeup in the mirrors, while Duke went into a stall to indulge in an unhealthy eating disorder.  

"Did you see her face," McNamara questioned.

"Yeah, I didn't think I did to well.  I surprise even myself."

"Veronica, can you come back here a minute," Duke asked.

"A true friend's work is never done," Veronica smirked.

"Gross," McNamara muttered.  "Grow up Heather, bulimia is so '87."

Veronica pulled out a nail filer, and made her way into the cubicle.  

"You should really see a doctor," she suggested.

Since they were in the bathroom, that left you and Chandler somewhat confused when your usual lunch table was deserted.  You looked around, but your sister and the other two Heathers' were nowhere to be found.  You scanned the caf a second time, wondering if there was anyone else that you had yet to poll.  That's when you saw the guy from earlier.  And he was still watching you.

"His name is Jason Dean," Heather told you.  "He is in my American History class.  You should go talk to him."

"I really don't-"

"I wasn't asking."

You shook your head, knowing that you wouldn't win this.  You began to walk over to his table, and noticed that Heather wasn't following you.  Hopefully he wasn't as creepy as he looked.  You stood up as straight as possible, Heathers' were confident and bold after all.

"Hi, Jason Dean, right?"

"Greetings and salutations... are you a Heather?"

"No, I'm a (y/n)... Sawyer.  I was wondering if I could ask you a question, but it's going to sound really stupid."

"There are no stupid questions," he smirked.

I actually had a question, but when reviewing, I realized that it was far too disturbing to put here without any negativity.

"You inherit five million dollars the same day aliens land on earth, claiming they're going to blow it up in two days.  What do you do?"

"That's the stupidest question I've ever heard."

You smiled a little, wondering what this guy would say next.  He seemed nice, but you still felt like he was kind of stalker-y looking.  But all that Kurt and Ram saw was that you were talking to a guy who wasn't them.  

"Who does that guy in the coat think he is anyways, Bo Diddley," Ram sneered.

"(y/n)'s into his act, no doubt," Kurt added.

It was strange, for Kurt at least.  He didn't exactly know what these feelings were, he just had this funny feeling in his chest whenever he looked at you.  But all he felt right now was jealousy.  Maybe this new kid could use a bit of a 'talking to,' if you know what I mean.

"Ah, I don't know," Jason Dean answered.  "I'd probably row out to the middle of a lake somewhere, bring along a bottle of tequila, my sax... some Bach..."

"How very," you replied, trying to use Heather speech.

"Come on (y/n)," Chandler called, motioning to the other three re-entering the cafeteria.

"Well, I'll see you later," you said.


Your sister watched as you rejoined Chandler and the other two Heathers' at the table, and looked over to where you had been standing.  She saw a dark mysterious stranger sitting there in the dark corner, and something about him was drawing her in.  She wasn't sure why or how, but she just felt infatuated by him.  Maybe she should try to talk to him after lunch...

Ram and Kurt watched you walk away as well, then they both looked at each other.

"Let's kick his ass," Ram suggested loudly.

"Shit Ram, we're seniors man," Kurt began.  "We're too old for that kinda crap... let's give him a good scare though."

The two smirked at each other and stood up from their seats, and began to strut over to where Jason Dean was sitting.  They sat down in front of him, and looked at the disgusting little pot-pies they were serving.  Ram raised his hand, and shoved two fingers into the little pie, wiggling them around to really mess it up.

"You gonna eat this," Ram asked with a smirk.

"What did your boyfriend say when you told him you were moving to Sherwood," Kurt added.

Jason Dean smirked and leaned back in his seat, and just watched the pair.

"Answer him, dick," Ram demanded.

Of course, Jason Dean didn't answer.

"Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a 'no fags allowed' rule?"

"They seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they," Jason Dean asked.

"What did you say, dickhead," Kurt questioned.

Jason Dean stood up, towering over the two sitting jackasses.

"I'll repeat myself," he said.

He reached into an inner pocket of his trench coat, and pulled out a gun.  It was a handgun, but it was on the larger side, more of a hand cannon, and according to the movie script, it could take down an aircraft carrier.

Then he pointed at their foreheads, and fired.

Other side of paradise (Jason Dean x reader)Where stories live. Discover now