𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷; 𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓫𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓼

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Laughter, smiles, and everlasting love; that was what Naerys had pictured her wedding day to be like. Unfortunately for her those types of things come rarely for royals such as herself. Instead, she was being pruned over and over by servants whilst she nervously picked at her nails. 

She was not surrounded by love, not by her mother, nor brothers, but that was of her own doing. Perhaps it was because they had already begun to gather in the sept or perhaps it was the message telling her family she would stand alone out of spite from Jacaerys' rejection.

Halaena, as lovely as she was, was too preoccupied with her children to tend to Naerys, not that she held it against her, for one day soon Naerys would understand the ties of motherhood. Alicent had come to say good morning, kissing her ward's head before muttering things about details she could not understand and scurrying out of the chamber.

Naerys was made to stand as the servants began dressing her in her gown, one that Alicent had frowned upon but chose to hold her tongue knowing it would not make the girl more pliable. The soft fabrics soon enough engulfed her body, the feeling of the seams against her body enough to bring her back to reality as she stared at herself blankly in the mirror. The black complimented her tan skin, something she inherited from her father, but her purple irises sparkled against the red embroidery. 

A knock on her chamber door caused her head to snap in its direction, "Enter." she cleared her throat before calling out.

A guard entered the room, "It is time, princess." He stated whilst bowing before her. Naerys' heart suddenly started racing, almost as fast as when she mounted Naraxes the first time. She swallowed loudly nodding her head at him almost hesitantly. Her servants rushed to nitpick any fine details to her appearance as she shooed them away with her hands, they quickly retracted with their hands at their sides as they bowed to her. 

Naerys suddenly looked around the room that felt if it was closing in on her, desperate for someone to hold her hand, her chest rising faster with each breath. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, taking a moment to calm herself before her eyes opened once more. A blank expression wearing itself on her face. 

Her steps lead her throughout the castle, surrounded by her guards and servants but never feeling so alone in her lifetime. Only when she approached the sept doors did she feel her nerves taking over her body and every ounce of control she had. 

She began hyperventilating, her hand raised to her chest as she tried to catch her breath to no avail. Tears began to well up in her eyes as voices spoke to her, but she was too far gone to listen to them. Thoughts of doubt filling her mind.

Warm arms wrapped tightly around her body, holding her close to them, kisses pressed to her own head, "Breathe." the soft voice spoke to her. She pulled away from the body as far as she could, lifting her head and staring at the voice with solemn eyes that dripped water from them.

"Aegon?" she questioned breathlessly as more tears fell from her eyes. He said nothing but pulled her back to him which she gratefully accepted and wrapped her own arms around him, hugging him back as hard as she possibly could. 

"What bothers you little one? It's bad luck to cry on your own wedding day, though I suppose I cannot judge you, I cried on my own as well." Aegon spoke to her gently, his hands moved to her face as his thumb brushed away the stray tears that lingered.

Naerys' heart saddened at the thought of a younger Aegon crying and pleading with his mother to not wed him to his sister. She stared up at him with her wide eyes, "I am afraid," Naerys confessed as Aegon rubbed the back of her head, she leaned her head on his chest, her arms still holding him tightly as if he would disappear from her sight like a phantom.

Opposition; Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now