𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂; 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓼

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Halaena was forever an enigma to those around her. The kind girl knew things before others, predicted them even. Which is exactly why Naerys began following her around after the incident in the garden.

Ghost of a King

The words rang repeatedly in her mind, the knowing smile Halaena offered her, all of it. Now she was certain she would look crazed if someone were to realize that the suspicious cloak she wore and how she hid in the shadows of court as she followed Halaena were for Halaena, but she couldn't risk her saying something to anyone else.

Halaena was simple, Naerys even found herself becoming bored as she trailed quietly behind the girl. She had left the gardens to attend to her children, reading them a few books before the wet nurse ushered them away for a nap, and then she went to the library and collected a few books before taking herself back to her chambers. Naerys cursed when she realized Halaena was retiring for the evening, unsure of how she'd get in the four walls. 

Thankfully Halaena was unaware of the tunnels that belonged to her room and Naerys felt like a pervert as she snuck in. She remained hidden, peeking through the crack of the hidden door. She could have laughed at the situation if it hadn't been so desperate, feeling slightly ashamed of herself knowing her childhood companion wouldn't sentence her to death, not that she thought Aemond would allow it to happen.

Halaena sat in the soft velvet chair reading to herself as a knock sounded itself on her door. The girl's gentle gaze traveled to the door, "Come in," She called out. 

Aemond entered the room scanning it as he approached his sister. She had completely forgotten about dinner with her husband, her eyes widened as he sat down across from Halaena, a nervous laugh threatening to emerge from her throat as she clamped her hand over her mouth.

Halaena closed her book, a slight smile on her face, "How can I help you, brother?" her voice as soft as satin as Aemond ever so gracefully seated himself fully, "I seem to have misplaced my wife, have you seen her?" His voice was still soft spoken but not nearly as sweet, it was more aggravated.

Halaena grinned at him, "Well she's been trying to hide but she's no mercenary. She's been following me all day like a little shadow." The corner of Aemond's lips turned upward slightly, an eyebrow raised, "Why would she be following you?" 

Naerys sucked in a sharp breath, her heart beating a little faster, obviously Halaena knew she was being followed but surely, she was unaware of her presence in the room. 

"I suspect she thinks I might tell someone of what's to come." Halaena responded, setting her book beside her as she sat up straight. 


"I might have dropped a little hint of my knowledge while embroidering with mother and her." Aemond's hand reached up and rubbed his face in exhaustion, "And you couldn't tell her you had a vision that you confirmed with me in privacy?" 

"I assumed she wanted no one to know and that's why she was okay with letting me think my children and I were being kidnapped, perhaps I was trying to ease her guilt." Halaena smiled softly as she stood up.

"Well, where did you last see her?" Aemond muttered as he stood up, his steps echoing the room. Halaena turned back at looked at him, a childlike grin on her face as she spun around and began walking towards the door Naerys hid behind. Naerys' eyes widened as it felt like Halaena had locked gaze with her. There was no way she knew she was in the walls.

Halaena's footsteps sounded louder as she approached and Naerys cursed every god old and new as she realized she was about to be caught sneaking around like a rat. 

"I suppose the last place I saw her, might have been here" Halaena stated as she pulled the ajar door opened fully. Naerys flushed bright red in embarrassment as she tried to conceal herself in the shadows.

Halaena was chuckling softly while Aemond cocked his head at his wife, the largest smile she'd ever seen on his face. He doubled over as laughter emitted from his throat, she wasn't sure she'd ever seen him laugh so hard at something, and even if it was her own foolishness, she was grateful to have seen it.

"Hello, sister." Halaena said dreamily as she stepped away from the door and began walking back to her chair. Naerys scowled, "If you knew I was there why did you let me stay there for so long?" 

"Yes, how long were you there?" Aemond smirked as he walked closer to his wife, "Two hours," Halaena giggled, "Isn't the point of sneaking around not to be seen? I didn't want you to doubt your skills." She finished, tilting her head to the side with an innocent smile.

Naerys narrowed her eyes at the girl and shoved Aemond away from her, "I cannot believe you. You knew!" Aemond rested his body weight on one leg, cocking the other as his hands latched to each other in front him, he watched Naerys with an inquisitive glare.

"I know lots of things," Halaena insinuated, "Then why didn't you just say so!" Naerys exasperated throwing her hands into the air before turning to Aemond, "Why didn't you tell me she knew?" 

Aemond grinned at her before engulfing her body in a tight embrace, she fought but not very hard as she leaned into him, "You didn't ask." He murmured in her ear, Halaena watched the two's interaction with admiration, a soft smile on her lips.

"You mustn't tell anyone Halaena." Naerys said barely above a whisper. Halaena raised an eyebrow at the girl, "I have not, and I think I've done well considering you did not know." 

Naerys grinned at the girl, "I still can't believe you hid in my sister's secret passages for two hours thinking you were as sly as a fox." Aemond laughed once more, Naerys could feel the vibrations in his chest throughout her body. She spun to face him, "Stop laughing at me." She demanded.

"Is that an order from the queen?" Halaena asked mindlessly as she reopened her book, Naerys snapped her head in the girl's direction narrowing her eyes, "You would both make awful jesters." She declared.

In truth, Naerys was glad to have been caught and confirmed that Halaena knew, it made it a little easier knowing she wouldn't have to fake her friend's kidnapping. She was grateful as she sat down against Aemond, spending the limited time of relaxation with the two as she drew patterns on her husband's leg.

Aemond's fingers traced softly up and down her sides, further causing her to fall into a deep relaxation as the two siblings spoke to each other. 

If only it could stay like this, she thought to herself as her eyes began feeling heavier and slowly, she drifted off to sleep.


very small chapter because i'm still grieving and heartbroken but needed something to do to keep my mind busy.

their dog came back home with no injuries other than his eye, and i am now responsible for treating that even though their dog attacked mine and they shot him 4 times. 

i just want it to all be over, like 4 days ago.



Opposition; Aemond TargaryenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora