44. glass doors

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I have tried conversing with poetry

but soon realised that

that is all you see

... at least, most of the time.


these are all woven words

and I, merely a force creating

not really a person

not really... nothing.


I have realised that these words

soon cease to be mine.

they become your reflection

or stories brought to life.


are intruiging words all that you see?

have you ever noticed these pieces of me?

...maybe that is why I prefer this

because there is less of me to see.


how does one pick out a person

from all these metaphors?

how can you find a soul

within these glass doors?


I tried conversing with poetry

but now know

that no matter how pretty they are

words don't have souls.

but these words
take pieces of mine
everywhere they go
even if you never know.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now