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14 years old:

I stepped out of the washroom and nearly screamed as I spotted someone sitting on the couch in front of the LED in my room.
When a head of raven hair greeted me, I was confused. The person sitting on the chair hadn't turned around yet and I was sure that I didn't know anyone here with raven hair. except the Donna and Severus.

"W-who are you?"

I questioned, clutching my robe tighter towards myself. It wasn't at all comforting to know that I was nearly bare in the presence of a stranger- or anyone for that matter-

I heard a sigh that sounded awfully close to a depressed one, but from the tone of voice I could tell that this intruder was anything but depressed.

"I see you've forgotten all about me princess."

I frowned at his words and stared at him in confusion, this clearly meant that I had known him. At one point or another, but that was even more confusing as I wasn't very well acquainted with the people here. Sally and some of the guards and maids were the only ones that I knew. And from what I had noticed about them, was that none of them had raven hair.

"I know you?"

I finally dared to ask and got a thoughtful hum in return.

"We've only met a handful of times and I would like to introduce myself to you, of course, that is after you're done dressing up."

My face heated up at his mention of my lack of clothing and I quickly picked up my clothing from the bed and ran back into the washroom. During all this, luckily, the intruder remained turned away and...sipped? something.

After I was properly dressed, I stepped out of the washroom and into my room. The male kept himself turned away and busied into the football match being played on the screen. Well he continued that for another minute or so, as that was all it took for him to realize my presence.

He stood up calmly and I tensed, ready to holler at the top of my lungs. But he didn't turn, instead he marched to the table in front of him and picked up the remote before turning the LED off. The room fell into thick silence, him still being turned away from me and me still contemplating about my chances of making it out of the room alive.

I heard the cup in his hand slam into the table of hard glass, before he turned towards me with a mischievous grin. I nearly gasped at the resemblance, the raven, smooth, black hair. The black color suit that he wore and the posture that he carried himself with. If I hadn't quickly found a few differences between the two, I would've actually passed him off as Severus.

But no, this wasn't Severus. His eyes were green while Severus had silver eyes, not only that but whereas the intruders eyes were filled with mischief and mayhem, Severus's eyes were always hard and calculating. Even in the calmest and most safest of moments, he seemed to be speculating and suspecting everything, but the person standing before me was simply taking me in.

In a way that was not friendly at all, infact it was almost as if he was judging me, for something that I didn't know. He whistled quietly to himself before dragging his eyes up my figure to meet my Amber ones.

"No wonder brother keeps you all to himself."


The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. But, his reference to what I could imagine to only be Severus, would explain the nearly reflective looks.

"It wounds me how he has deprived me from making your acquaintance before today, princess."

Severus had stopped him from meeting me? All I knew for sure was that Severus had promised to protect me, so I didn't see a reason beside the only one that clouded my mind as to why Severus would do such a thing: He's not an ally.

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