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Hi, how are you all? 


"I haven't mentioned this before so listen closely, it is very important information for your security."

I nodded in response and hugged the pillow tighter to my chest as Severus sat across from me, on the couch. A good few feet between us, as he put aside his laptop with care.

"The way it operates in the lair is slightly different than the rest. When a new boss is selected an oath is to be taken by the members of the gang, an oath that binds them to my command. But, after they had taken oath on my fathers hand, father introduced a method of choice and it's quite popular with the members so I can't remove it."

I nodded as he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation, almost as if reminding himself of it gave him a headache.

"In the other gangs, an oath is taken right on the night the new boss is announced, thanks to my father, it doesn't work that way around here anymore. The members are given the time of a year to take an oath, during that year it is for them to decide whether they believe the new boss to be worthy enough to give up their lives for him."

I frowned at that as he rolled up his sleeves and leaned back against the couch. His suit coat laying beside him on the opposite couch.

"Up till now, around a couple hundred thousand people have taken an oath at my hand. But the rest are still favoring my father, if it keeps up like this for the whole year, then we won't be able to put any plan into action or assure our security and unity."

A few hundred thousand people!!

"How many people are there in total?"

He looked to me then turned his eyes down to a paper he had in front of him.

"We have branched off into smaller gangs to deal with matters where the head doesn't necessarily have to be involved. Around 17 minor gangs, each containing around 5000 people then there's our own lair, the main members reside in this piece of land. There's also small group of 10 specials led by Edward. So all together we have around a million or two."

My jaw nearly hit the floor as he stared at me with an amused gleam in his eyes.

"What happens if they don't take oath by the end of the year?"

His facial expression blanked for a moment, a tick forming in his jaw as he ground out.

"They're kicked out."

I hummed in response before throwing myself back on the bed. Arms wide spread as my legs dangled from the end. I was currently dressed in a shirt- which I had stolen from Severus- and a pair of tights that we had to wear under the dresses.

"You're tempting me love."

His voice was deeper than before and sounded strained. I blushed and pulled the pillow onto myself.

"Why is it so easy to tempt you?"

I grumbled to myself and glanced at him as he placed his laptop back on his lap.


I guess the rest didn't need to be said as he trailed off. I waited for a few minutes and huffed as he remained silent.

"Still busy?"

He hummed in response as I tossed myself sideways and buried my face into the pillow. The clocks ticking and his typing were the only sounds that resonated around the room.

What had led to this topic, I would never know as he didn't even speak of why I needed to know this. But I guess that it was for me to understand several things, such as, why he was so stressed? Why were so many people visiting? And most of all, Why I couldn't leave my room?!

It was absolutely preposterous and if it wasn't for the lack of life in here, I wouldn't have minded being tucked away for eternity.

"Did you tell the guards not to talk to me?"

He hummed again as I groaned in annoyance.

"But sevvy! I feel so lonely in here, there's no one to talk to and I've watched so many dramas already!"

The typing sound stopped and I heard shuffling, I waited for a while to hear anything else but when no other sound came, I glanced out from the side of the pillow.

He stood looming over me, arms crossed In front of his chest as he assessed me from head to toe.


I grumbled and looked away from him in defiance. The bed dipped as I resisted the urge to sneak a glance at him it was after his arm came in sight, that I looked up at him. His hands caged me in as I stared into his eyes.

"Why would you need to talk to them?"

He questioned, his nose gently trailing against my neck, I shivered before stammering out a response.

"I-Its lonely I-n here."

He hummed as his lips skimmed over my skin, I squeaked as he gently nipped on it.

"You know it's been a whi~"

He was interrupted as the door was pushed open harshly. I stared wide eyed at a panting Edward, who looked like he wanted to say something important but seemed to have forgotten it. His face colored as he turned his head away and stepped in, closing the door behind himself. Severus on the other hand, didn't even turn to him. Not till I nudged him to get off.


There was an underlying threat within that one word he spoke, Edward sensed this and quickly nodded while staring out the window.


The three letters were enough to pull Severus off of me and towards his brother. Edward followed him out of the room, all while avoiding eye contact with me as I refrained from looking towards him as well.

I sat up and groaned in annoyance, judging between being glad that he interrupted, or embarrassed that he saw us like that.

We were married I mean... it was natural for couples to be so...

I shook the thoughts out of my head and instead walked into the closet. I picked out the newest robe and took a hot shower. Letting my mind wander off to other topics. Other topics that revolved around killings, from what I've judged so far. Severus has been edgy for a while, he seemed to be even more invested in the minute details, than usual.

Almost as if suspecting one of his own people to turn the guns on us. Now it was bit clearer why he felt that way. Till this year is going to pass, those unsworn people are still under the command of his father and not him. Which inevitably meant that HE was involved in latest issues and would be well aware of everything going on inside.

It might've been another reason why he had suddenly suggested that I receive training for self defense. He phrased it differently though, placing the blame on his enemies who could make a move at any given moment. But it was clear when I started looking closely at it, he suspected one of his own people to be a threat to me. Hence he wanted me to be able to defend myself in case I was attacked.

I exited the washroom, tied up in the robe, my hair partially dry due to the hair dryer. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice the pair of creepy green eyes observing me. And when I did, my blood went cold. Out of everything I had tried to prevent from happening, this was number one.

A visit from the ex-boss himself.

𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant