"Forget elegant, these people are insane!"

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Third person pov:

"K-212 and K-213? Please head to venue one."

"We still have people watching us."

"Right.. but I feel the ground rumbling."

"It's probably a minor earthquake."

"You must be right."

"Whaaa! Help me! I tripped and fell in a gutter!!"

Loid pov:

They're trying to test us it seems.. but why so obvious?

Nobody's going to help him because they'd think he's crazy.

Still.. if its part of the test, might as well pass this too.

I pat Ali on the back. Make it look as if you wanted to help him.

"Huh- oh yeah, Mother, Father, please help that child, as he seems to be in a bit of a bind."

"Are you alright?"

"Whoah! My hands and legs are slipping!"

The npc that got stuck in the gutter pov:

I have to do this for the extra credit!

Yeah! The credit!

The old headmaster's pov:

At this rate, if you help that child out, your clothes won't be presentable enough for the interview.

Now, how with you get through this? With eleganc- Huh?

Third person pov:

Loid pulls out the kid from the gutter, making him as well as his clothes wet.

"Are you alright?"

"I have my handkerchief."

"You should see the school nurse in case of any injuries."

The old headmaster's pov:

What a disappointment, I suppose they were a bunch of country bumpkins after all.

You won't be allowed in our prestigious school with mud on yourself.

"Get both K-212 and K-213 out of here."


Loid gets another suit.

"Who in the right mind thinks of getting a change of clothes would be a possibility?! And to top it off he even thanks the boy! Smart.. smart and elegant! Damn you Loid Forger!"

"Master.. you do remember we're here to assess the children right?"

"Quiet! Children learn from their parents! Indeed.. you don't get a high scoring child without a high scoring parent and the same with a low scoring child! I'll get back at them somehow!"

Ali pov:

And now the animals are let loose.

"Oh no! The animals broke out of our school farm!"

If my legs break, I'm suing the school.


Loid picks me and Anya up and starts running.

Yor being a badass paralyzes the leader of the herd, a cow.

Anya pets the cow on the floor.

"Anya, the cow probably has germs or something, who knows?"

Henderson comes running to us.

"LOID FORGER! Y-you helped us back there. You have my gratitude, and I will admit defeat for now! We need time to control this matter, and the interviews will start a bit later than we wanted initially. Get yourselves a change of clothes, and come back here. You four have earned the right to attend this school.."

"Oh, please don't worry, we planned ahead for something like this."

Hendrickson must be terrified.

After this, the interview will be held.

"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now