Eden brats are so annoying..

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Ali pov:

This thing is so boring.

Plus, these rich brats are annoying.

"You are truly the chosen few! Due to your hard work, or perhaps your parents', you have made it to Eden. To our honorable 229 students!"

I yawned.

"Father, when will we be called?"

"In a bit."

"I wonder which house I'll be put in to."

I know he's going to force me into the one with Damian for a better chance.

"Anya Forger!"

"Oh, you're up Anya, break a leg!"



"Ali Forger!"

"Welp, I think we part ways now, goodbye."

Damian looks so cocky, that's my job.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Becky! What's your name?"

"I'm Ali, that's my sister, Anya."

Anya ignores her.


"They will be under the wing of Master Henderson!"

"Oh hey, its the old hag- I mean the man who assisted us during the interview."

Anya chuckled.

We were given the tour until a certain someone started bragging.

"Lord Damian is going to be an imperial scholar in no time!"

"Of course I am. My father is the head of the National Unity Party."

"Man- shut the hell up-" I muttered.

"Silence! No private conversations!"

"Say, what do your parents do?"

"Our father is a s- a feelings doctor."

"You mean psychiatrist, Anya."

"Just some commoner then."

"I wanna play at your house!"

"These commoners forgot their places!" One of Damian's sidekicks pushed us.

"Master Henderson? Would discriminating against one's social status be a form of bad behavior?"

"It would indeed."

"Also, has there already been a tutor for my subjects?"

"We're currently finding someone, you will be free for most of the semester."

Everyone was too busy talking about themselves to notice.

"Alright, thank you."

"Anya, is that brat still bothering you?"


"If you get the opportunity to punch him, please do."


"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now