Chapter 24 Eri

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We start off right where we left off with Izuku teleporting back with Eri in his arms as he is looking at the Others who were Scared yet Shock and wondered how Power is Izuku actually

Ryukyu: I-izuku why did you 

Izuku: He was Hurting My Daughter

Nejire: What do you mean Daughter

Izuku: I do not understand myself but She is My Daughter

Just then Eri looked at Everyone as they see how cute she is 

Eri: Ms. Mew said that Papa will one day come Save me 

This Made Izuku look at Eri as he looks deep into her Eyes 

Izuku: You have Spoken to Mew 

Eri: Yea Ms. Mew comes to see me in my Dreams, She showed me what you Look Like Papa so when you come I won't be Scared, She said Papa is the Strongest in the Whole World and that he will Protect me, She said that Papa is Lost but I will help Papa because I want to be like Papa a Hero, A Legendary Hero who will bring Peace to this World and show it that People need to open their Eyes on what is inside not how they were born 

As everyone looks at Izuku as he is Red as he looks at Eri as he then looks at Ryukyu 

Izuku: My Face feels warm 

As everyone is now looking at Izuku 

Ryukyu: Izuku your Embarrassed 

Izuku: What is Embarrassed

Nejire: Look at your Face 

As Izuku makes a Mirror from the Wall come off as he looks at it and sees his Face is Red as he drops Eri but quickly catches her 

Izuku: Sorry Eri 

Eri: Its Ok Papa 

As Izuku puts her down as he touches his Face 

Izuku: What is Happening is this a Sickness because I am a Clone 

Lady Nagant: You never been Embarrassed before Kid 

Izuku: This is a New Feeling 

Eri: Papa it will be Ok I think Ms. Nejire and Ms. Kaina will help you right 

This made Nejire and Lady Nagant jump as Ryukyu and FatGum looked at Eri 

FatGum: Little one how do you know their Name 

Eri: I know Many Things Ms. Mew show me some of the Future in my Dream My Papa, My Soon To Be Mommies, Papa Taking Care of me, My Future Siblings and The People that Will Help Papa make a Choice 

Ryukyu: What Choice little one 

As Eri looks at Izuku who was still looking at the Mirror at his Red Face like he Might have Evolved or gotten some kind of Sickness

Eri: Ms. Mew Said to either destroy or Save this World 

As Everyone besides Izuku and Eri step back as they look at Izuku who wasn't listening to what Papa said as Eri looks at them 

Eri: Ms. Mew also told me to tell you all that You all will play a Part so Please Take care of Papa for her

As Eri bows as they all look at her 

Nejire: Of Course Eri

Lady Nagant: We Will Eri

As Eri smiles as she looks at Nejire and Lady Nagant

Eri "I know you will Mommy Nejire and Mommy Kaina"

Ryukyu: We will stand by him 

FatGum: Haha Of Course 

Tamaki: He is Scary but I sense he is Kind

Eri smiles more 

Eri "You will Aunty Ryukyu, Uncle FatGum, Big Brother Tamaki you and Big Sis Fuyumi will be the Best Great together" 

As Eri goes to Izuku and touches his Arm as Izuku looks and Smiles 

Izuku: Sorry Eri Papa was Out for a Second 

Eri: It is Ok Papa Ms. Mew said you would 

Izuku: Eri I can't read your Mind 

Eri: Ms. Mew Blocked you from being able to I don't know Why 

Izuku: Mew wishes not let me Read you Mine she is So Strong 

Eri: She is Papa now Papa can we get Food 

Izuku: Of Course

As they leave Ryukyu and the Others sit down as they look at each other just a Pink light appears on the Table 

Mew: Hello

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