Chapter 36 Release and the Fallen

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It has been a Hour since Izuku defeated Iida and now we see everyone in the Living Room Area of the Camp as they are Going over what happened 

Inko: Izuku sweetie so you say that you opened a Door inside you Mind that allowed you to…. Mega evolve

Izuku: Yes but there was Two door one with X that is the one I used on Iida and then The other Door has a Y 

Yui: Meaning that you might have a different Form of this ahhh Mega evolution 

Kyoka: We should just Call them something simple like Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y

Mirko: That works 

Aizawa: Now that we have that figured out what do we do now, The Whole City is still affected by whatever Shadow MewTwo did, We haven't heard anything from Mew or Eri, And I just got word from Endeavour that The City is also being attacked by Nomu's that was Released by Shadow MewTwo 

*Izuku was told Eri went with Mew*

Izuku: He started a War without warning, No one had time to prepare, This is My Fault

Katsumi: No Izuku it wasn't 

Izuku: He was Made from My DNA, If I wasn't Born he wouldn't have been Born it's common knowledge at that point, But…… He needs to be Stopped

Mandalay: But How isn't he to Powerful for you

Izuku: As of right now He is Stronger do to whatever Sir Nighteye did to me, It had a longer Lasting effect then we all realised or even they realised, That Mega X form I took gave me Most of my Power Back but when I turned back to Normal I lost a good percentage of my power

Momo: So we have to think of your Mega Forms as Super Saiyan, It gives you a Major Power Boost but in your Base Form you lose it 

Everyone looked at Momo 

Momo: What I watch Anime, I don't always have my Face in a Book

Katsumi: Ok then but I have one Question

Inko: What is that Katsumi

Katsumi: Shadow MewTwo sent Iida to Attack Ichan but Ichan beat him so why hasn't Shadow MewTwo come here himself, You would think he would to finish what he started 

That made everyone start to think what Shadow MewTwo is doing as Izuku closes his Eyes to locate Shadow MewTwo

Izuku: He is no longer in the City 

Everyone: What 

Izuku: He is at 34°57′S 150°30′W

Everyone pulls out their Phones and looks up the coordinates

Midnight: That is in the Southern Pacific Ocean 

Lady Nagant: Why would he be around there 

Inko: Mew

Everyone looked at Inko as she had a Face of Worry 

Inko: The DNA we found a Mew was a A Small Island around those coordinates in the Southern Pacific Ocean, He must have sensed the Power Mew is absorbing with the help of Eri and is going to stop her

Aizawa: Her Birthplace must be on that Island or Around it 

Inko: It has to be around because after they got the DNA sample they Destroyed the Island 

Rais: Wait if they Destroyed the Island maybe that is why Mew can't leave her Birthplace much, Maybe that Island had a Bigger connection to her birthplace then anything and was the Reason she could leave without needing to return all the time 

Nejire: That would me the scientists that created Izuku unintentionally stopping you from ever helping much 

Mirko: Lets just hope that Shadow MewTwo doesn't find her Birthplace for Mew and Eri's sake

As Izuku closes his eyes again as we cut to Mew almost Fully Blue now with Eri still sitting on her lap

Mew: That is it Eri we are almost done you make me Proud and I know Izuku is also 

Eri: Thank you Mommy Mew 

As we see Mew Now Fully Blue as she starts to Float in the air with Eri 

Mew: It is Time 

Mew releases the psychic energy she has gathered with the Hell of Eri as we see it wrap around not just Japan but the Whole Earth curing not just The People of the City from Hating Izuku but also Putting up a Mental Block on the Humans so that Shadow MewTwo can no longer use his Power on them 

After Mew stopped releasing her Psychic Energy she slowly dropped to the Ground losing her new Blue look as Eri hugs Mew 

Eri: Mommy Mew are you alright

Mew: Yes my little girl

Eri: Did we stop that Bad Mans Plan 

SM: Oh You Did Brat

Eri and Mew look to see Shadow Mewtwo floating Down as Mew stands up and moves Eri behind her 

SM: Thank you Mew If it wasn't for that Psychic Energy You just released I would have never Found you 


Shadow Mew looked at Eri sending a invisible psychic blast at her sending Eri to almost hit a Bunch of Trees but Mew teleported behind Eri catching her and taking the Hit from the Trees 

Mew: You dare try to Hurt her 

SM: Oh I dare I also dare to Kill her 

Mew: Over my Dead Body

SM: Oh That can be arranged

Eri: Mommy I'm scared 

Mew: Don't Worry Sweetie he won't get you, Tell Izuku I love him

As Mew Uses what little Power she has left to send Eri away as Mew Stands up and gets Ready to Fight 

SM: Brave of you to stand alone and Fight Mew, If I didn't hate you, You would have made a Great Wife 

Mew: My Heart Belongs to Izuku and Izuku alone

SM: I know

Shadow Mewtwo Channel his psychic energy into a Powerful Blast and sends it to Mew who tries to Block it 


Shadow MewTwo sends more of his Power as we see Mew struggling as she stops Blocking the Attack as it wraps around her 

Mew: Goodbye My Love

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