Chapter 42

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Marinette slowly sat up and looked around the room looking exactly as she had seen the last time though she hadn't been sleeping on a bed in the middle of it

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Marinette slowly sat up and looked around the room looking exactly as she had seen the last time though she hadn't been sleeping on a bed in the middle of it.

The brunette walked up to the girl and took a seat at the end of the bed and watched her, "hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?" Caitlyn asked

Marinette opened her mouth and answered with a hoarse okay, she hadn't spoken in little over a week and the lack of use had led to her croaky voice.

"Give me a second" the doctor told her to fetch a cup of water for the girl. She came back a minute later with a cup of water slowly she gave it to Marinette holding the cup to prevent any spills.

Marinette took a few gulps of water and paused before taking another sip and handed Caitlyn the cup. She mutters a quiet "thank you".

As Caitlyn went to place the cup down at a small table Marinette took the time to look around

There was a big machine placed next to it that had many wires and looked as though they were also connected to get the machine to keep drawing zig zags across the screen and made a beep sound every few seconds.

She stared and after what had been a few moments Caitlyn noticed the child's lack of attention towards what she was saying "it's a heart monitor, each line shows your heart beating" (I'm pretty sure that's what it does correct me if I'm wrong)

"Barry's on his way" Cisco called walking back into the room, "hey kid, how you feeling?" he asked, standing at the end of the hospital bed.

"Ok, what... what happened?" she asked, staring up at the man, "well you see there was this dark matter. It's like an invisible wave but really strong it sent you flying into a cart of things. You hit your head" Caitlyn stated, attempting in the simplest definition she could get.

"Is that why my head hurts?" the child asked "yep, I'll go get you some medicine" Caitlyn said walking across the room, into the adjoining room.

By the time Caitlyn had walked back into the room holding a small bottle, Barry had ran into the room sending papers flying in every different direction. "We really need to get some paperwaits" Cisco muttered, this got a small giggle out of the child.

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