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Hey everyone this book has been going on for quite a while now (over a year at this point) and I want to say thank you to everyone for sticking by, especially with the long wait periods of updates which I want to apologise for. I have had writers block at parts, but I have been given so many good ideas by all of you, over the course of this book to which I am so grateful.

I'm thinking of ending this book and making a sequel, where Marinette's powers have come into play. Though I am thinking of ageing her up a few years so she's older than 7 when she becomes a hero as well as bring Damian into the story to make things more interesting, maybe even Jon.

Right now I will be taking a break from this book, though I am not sure for how long but I will be back to finish the story. I will go back at some point and fix up the holes in the story and edit to make things run smoother.

If you want to suggest any ideas for the sequel please leave them in the comments. I would love to read them and again a big thank you for the support for this book and I assure you there will be a sequel. 

Marinette Cheng (Allen)Where stories live. Discover now