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I woke up quickly to my alarm going off.

"Fuck this." I groaned as I sat up and turned it off. I quickly got up and walked to my dresser and got dressed before going to make breakfast.

I made scrambled eggs and toast, ate it, and then put leftover pasta from last night into a container for work. I quickly grabbed my purse and made my way out locking the door.


Normal work. Paperwork all day. Being looked down upon by my co-workers for being a woman. The usual.

I said goodbye to Mr Fox before making my way to the Asylum. I got in my car and started the journey.

I checked in at the gates. Checked in at the doors and got in. Dr Crane waited for me by the reception.

"Come with me Miss Laurier." Dr Crane said, leading me to his office. He opened the door for me before closing it behind us and locking it. "Safety precaution."

"I understand." I nodded, taking a seat. "Thank you, so much Dr Crane."

"I care very much about my clients." He said walking to his desk. "Oh here is your key." He passed it to me so I put it in my pocket. "So you were bullied as a child?"

"Yes, it got so bad I was hospitalized because they knocked me out."

"And how did that make you feel? How did the dream make you feel?"

"Hopeless, trapped, like I had to die. I felt guilty, for not standing up for myself."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know, I just," I said stuttering as my eyes started to let my tears I was holding out.

"How about whenever you feel fear try and morph it. Make it into other things, embrace the fear and weaponize it."

"How would I do that?"

"You'll figure it out. I do have a book, if you'd like to read it. My father wrote it and I copied it a few times and changed some." Dr Crane said passing me a small book.

We talked for a bit more before the appointment ended and I got in my car and left. I drove to a take out place and bought some pizza before driving home.

There was a new car in the parking lot but maybe it was just someone's friend. I unlocked the door and locked it behind me once I got home.

I started eating my pizza. Once I finished I put on the TV. A movie was playing so I quickly turned it on. The lights in my apartment then went off and I went to the switch to turn it back on since it was dark out and I could barely see.

Suddenly smoke clouded the room and I inhaled it coughing. Suddenly I was hallucinating seeing fears from my past. I stood there frozen in fear before backing up and falling on the couch.

"What's the matter?" A distorted voice said, coming towards me.

'Whenever you feel fear try and morph it' echoed in my head.

Okay, morph it

I started to push the fear away and make it initiate a different emotion. The only other one that brought me this much adrenaline was pleasure.

"You're so pretty when you're scared."

"Leave me alone!" I yelled, at the figure as he tilted his head.

I started to work more on morphing it and it soon worked as I felt wetness. My heart started beating more and I adjusted myself on the couch.

"I don't wanna leave you." He said, grabbing my face, the touch made me moan out. He then pulled a needle from his pocket and injected it into my arm.

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