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Dr Crane's arms wrap around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck looking up at him. He grabs my face and he kisses me. I pull him closer deepening the kiss.

I part my lips a bit, giving him entrance. He takes it and his tongue pushes through my lips. We passionately kiss until we can't breathe.

"Please." I groan out.

"Please what?" He asks, smirking.

"Please fuck me." I say, making him take off my shirt.


I jolt up, my chest going up and down quickly. My bedroom is pitch black. It was a dream.

Oh my God! Did I just have a wet dream about my therapist? I shut my eyes and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I checked the clock and it was five am.

I decided to get up and take a shower. And do my usual getting ready stuff. Technically Wayne tower opens at 8 am so I could go there early but I still have a few hours until then.

I decided to try out my sewing machine I got passed down to me from my mother. It was kept in her room at the Manor but since I moved out Carmine let me take some stuff. I had some fabric and thread so I set it up and started to practice.

I started with figuring out the best tension and length for each stitch aswell as fabric. I quickly started making something. I don't know what or why but I started making a body suit. I took apart two body suits I had already, one black, the other a dark grey. I took the part of the grey one so it would be cut like a one piece swimsuit but it went up to the neck. I did the same to the black but not exactly the same. I then cut the legs on each so from the outside it'd go down near the knees diagonally like how I had to cut the crotch. I then took my pins and kept the sleeves of the black and attached it to the torso piece of the grey. I attached the black thigh pieces to the bottoms of the grey then added the grey knee pieces. It'd look good with tall black boots. I pinned it so I could finish after work and the rest of the week.

I then made my way to work since it was now 7:45. I parked and got in like usual. Today we had a big meeting at 10 that would last just over an hour.

"Miss Laurier," my assistant said, so I looked over, "you have a delivery. Coffee and a breakfast bagel."

"Oh! Thank you. Did you get it?"

"No front desk said a man dropped it off." She said handing it over.

"Alright." I smiled and went into my office room. My phone then rang, it was Dr Crane. "Hello?"

"Did you get my gift?"

"Yes, I did. I did already have breakfast though so I'll have it as a snack later." I smiled through the phone.

"Why were you up so early?" He questioned.

"Just, dreams. Nothing much, but it wasn't a memory one which is good." I said, blushing at the memory.

"I see. Well I shall see you at our next appointment. You're progressing really well, we already are in your teen memories which is impressive. And you remember most of that already so we can start more treatment soon."

"Sounds interesting. We'll I better go, it was nice speaking Dr Crane, thank you for the gifts." I smiled, into the phone.

"Bye now." He said, before hanging up.

I then got back to work like usual. I made sure all my papers and such were ready for the meeting today. We have a lot of work to look forward to.


"Y/n!" Bruce said, following me out of the board room.

"Hello Bruce. How many I assist you?"

"I was wondering how you were. Since y'know your friend Hannah was kidnapped and stuff a few weeks ago. She's your friend, right?"

"Yeah, uh, I'm alright." I smiled making my way to the elevator.

"How are your appointments with Dr Crane going?" He asked, making me blush a bit at his name.

"They're going well. He says I'm making a lot of good progress. I'm very excited and happy with how it's going."

"That's good, just please be careful."

"I know. So, how was the restaurant you went to last night? I saw the pictures on the news of the models." I smiled, as we got in the elevator.

"It was fun. So, what are you doing after work?"

"Picking up some stuff from the store. I'm practicing my sewing." I smiled confidently.

"Very nice."


I got home with bags in hand, I was ready to work on my costume more. I quickly got to eating my fast food I picked up on the way home then went to my office to sew.

I got a good bit of work on then suddenly the lights shut off. I rolled my eyes and got up to grab something. I could see the rest of the city have its lights on. I went to leave the room but as I opened the door a hand made gas go in my face.


"What are you working on, my darling?" He asked walking past me to my desk. "What is this."

"A costume." I said, taking a seat at my desk.

"For what?" I just crossed my arms looking up at him. "Tell me my little Sparrow."

"So I can go out and do things aswell and hide who I am. So I can have a break from reality." I said looking at his eyes through the holes in the mask as it looked as though bugs were crawling around him.

I've grown quite a tolerance to the toxin. He's gone up more and more each time and I handle it well. Between what he does and what Dr Crane does I've had fear almost completely leave me.

"Add feathers to the sides of the waist and the wrists. It'll make your outfit look more you. Plus you're my little Sparrow, so you must look the part." He said, grabbing my chin. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes." I answered, biting my lip a bit.

"Good girl. I'll drop some off some time. You should also get a bulletproof layer in there."

"Scarecrow?" I asked, catching his attention.

"Yes, my darling?"

"Kiss me." I begged, looking at him.

Scarecrow grabbed a piece of my extra fabric and put it over my eyes. I reached forward lifting his mask up once I found his face. I grabbed his face and pulled him to me. We stayed so our faces were an inch apart, he then grabbed my face pulling me for a kiss.

I let him take charge. When his tongue pressed against my lips I parted them letting him come in. I wouldn't dare fight him for dominance especially while under the fear toxin.

With each second the kiss got more and more passionate and I wanted him more and more. Eventually he pulled back panting. I heard the fabric move then he took my eye mask off making it so I could see again. His mask was back on.

"I dreamed about this. But not with you, with my therapist and I know it sounds pathetic and I'm so sorry." I stated crying.

"Its okay my darling. Let's get you to bed." He led me to my bed, then injecting me with the antidote. He played with my hair until I fell asleep.

A/n: Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I will probably slowly have longer and longer breaks between chapters. A really close family member of mine has cancer so I've been trying to ready myself for when he dies since it's not looking good. Thank you for understanding :)

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