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— reunion —

February 18th, 1944

"THAT STUPID, STUPID tree," Will murmured in Giselle's ear as he pressed her firmly against him. "Why would it bring you here? This is the worst possible place to be right now."

"I know, but at least—" Giselle's sentence was cut short but the sound of gunfire echoing in the distance, close enough for the two to spur into action.

Will dropped his arms from Giselle and grabbed her hand instead, pulling her forward with him as he began to run. Steven followed behind, Giselle's forgotten suitcase in hand.

Giselle stumbled over the rocks and twigs scattering the ground, relying heavily on Will's grip on her to keep her upright as her limbs trembled with panic.

They ran until Giselle struggled to keep up, her breaths so shallow that she couldn't breathe.

Will noticed immediately, and pulled her behind a large tree. "Just breathe, love," he said to her, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "Just breathe."

Giselle nodded, closing her eyes and focusing on her breaths until they were almost normal. "Okay, I'm good," she said after a minute.

"Are you sure?" Will asked. "If you need more time—" he stopped talking when he caught sight of Steven over Giselle's shoulder, scowling instantaneously. "Drop her luggage and leave," he growled. "I don't want you anywhere near her."

"Will," Giselle protested, guiding his head towards her by pressing her hand to his cheek. "He's been nothing but nice. Don't be rude."

"He didn't do anything to you? Because if he did—"

"He didn't do anything. Seriously. He's actually helped me. I would've been off trying to find you all by myself if he didn't convince me to go with him for safety."

Will stared at Giselle for a few moments before leveling a glare at Steven. "Do anything out of line and I'll kill you, understand?"

Steven nodded.

"Good," Will grumbled. "Let's go."

He tugged Giselle forward by the hand again, his footsteps face-paced as he navigated the forest, glancing down at the compass he kept in his pocket every so often.

"Colbert mentioned a town southeast of where we landed," Steven said after a while, talking more to Will than Giselle. "Though it may be risky, we can go there for supplies. It should be evacuated."

"Not happening," Will spat out. "If anyone sees us—"

"I know, but we need supplies for survival. This is the only town we know is on the way," Steven informed. "We should take our chances."

"I'm not taking any chances when my wife is involved," Will shot back.

"We should do it," Giselle agreed with Steven. "It's risky, but it's something we need to do."

"No. It's the closest town to where we landed. It'll be the first place our enemies will look."

"It's a large town," Steven said. "Comparable to Frobisher. And if we wait till nightfall, we will have the cover of night to help us."

Will went quiet for a few moments, thinking it over before finally saying, "No."

"Oh, come on," Giselle groaned. "If we're careful, we shouldn't have anything to worry about, right?"

"We need food, William," Steven informed. "And water, and weapons as well. And it will be cold tonight. Don't you want to find your wife a blanket?"

Will looked to Giselle, grinding at his teeth as he thought. "My answer is still no. I'm not taking any chances."

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