Chapter 2: Acclimatizing

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Beta read by Paragon of Awesomeness.






As morning came and the sun lit up Rias Gremory's bedroom, the young Devil woke up. Devils being creatures of the night made the simple task of opening her eyes a monumental ordeal. "A few more minutes…" she groaned, only to bury her head back into Archer's chest, wanting to enjoy a few more minutes of rest.

"Mmmm…" the buxom redhead moaned pleasantly, taking in the sensation of a source of warmth and comfort present next to her the first thing in the morning. She was glad that there weren't any contracts yesterday, allowing her to return home earlier than usual and have a long, relaxing night full of peaceful sleep. She knew that she'd have to get up soon so she could get ready for school, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy a few more minutes of cuddle-time with her new Servant.

Yes, that sounded like a very good idea. Rias decided as she tightened her grip on Archer, who on a side note now seemed a lot cushier than she remembered him being.

"Master, it's time to wake up."

She suddenly became alert as Archer's voice sounded from behind her, his hand gently shaking her shoulder. Opening her eyes, the Devil saw that she wasn't holding her Servant, but a pillow. As for the actual Archer, he was currently attempting to get his Master out of bed.

"Archer?" Rias looked over her shoulder at him with a confused face. "When… How did you—?"

"I slipped out of bed a short while ago to familiarize myself with the house and also to prepare your breakfast, but you seemed lonely so I substituted myself with a pillow until it was time for you to wake up." The Servant interrupted, answering her question. "I do apologize for disturbing your sleep, Master, but if you don't get up now you're definitely going to be late for school. Breakfast will be on the table in thirty minutes, so use that time to shower and get dressed. There's a clean uniform, folded and ready for you waiting on your desk."


A part of her was a bit let down that she didn't get to have more time with him, but duty called and she couldn't be late for school.

The Master sat up as the Heroic Spirit turned around and left the room, astonished at how he had so easily taken stock of his new situation, and was even taking the initiative in her morning routine. Rias couldn't imagine what it was like to be a Servant, but she figured that it would have taken one at least a little while to adapt to having themselves be summoned from the… ‘What did he call it again? Ah yes, the Throne of Heroes,’ to the mortal plane — and one in a different world at that — and be bound to serve a Master he'd never met before and knew nothing about. 

Then again, maybe Archer's ability to adapt to bizarre scenarios like his current one so quickly had been one of the qualities that allowed him to become a Heroic Spirit in the first place, and he'd also mentioned being summoned as a Servant at least once before.

Shaking her head, the young Devil reminded herself that she could spend the rest of the day mulling these thoughts over, right now though she had to prepare for school. Getting herself fully out of bed, she made her way to the shower. 




Archer hadn't been completely honest with his Master when he woke her up. While he did do exactly what he'd said, he neglected to mention that ever since discovering what his Master was, he had been more than a little suspicious of her, and of just how honest she was being with him. 

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